You know, really clearly identified those three big categories of things we want people to learn,
1. the content knowledge,
2. the cognitive skills, and
3. the non-cognitive skills.
Así será al escuela del 2030
Rethinking EDUCATION. Spain Información sobre «Un nuevo concepto de educación»: la inversión en las capacidades necesarias para obtener mejores resultados socio-económicos y los datos utilizados en este folleto se encuentran disponibles en: Para obtener más información visite las siguientes páginas web: Objetivos Europa 2020 Valores de referencia para educación y formación 2020 benchmarks_en.htm Recomendaciones específicas por país country-specific-recommendations/ Erasmus+ Control de educación y formación 2012 monitor12_en.htm here
1. the content knowledge,
2. the cognitive skills, and
3. the non-cognitive skills.
Así será al escuela del 2030
Rethinking EDUCATION. Spain Información sobre «Un nuevo concepto de educación»: la inversión en las capacidades necesarias para obtener mejores resultados socio-económicos y los datos utilizados en este folleto se encuentran disponibles en: Para obtener más información visite las siguientes páginas web: Objetivos Europa 2020 Valores de referencia para educación y formación 2020 benchmarks_en.htm Recomendaciones específicas por país country-specific-recommendations/ Erasmus+ Control de educación y formación 2012 monitor12_en.htm here
2016/08/25 five-ways-politics-shapes-education-systems-and-reforms
Over the next six years it will build evidence on the causes of education success and failure in these countries, developing a systems approach for education and guidance on how education provision can be reformed to deliver better learning for all. It is crucial that these studies focus not only on the technical aspects of education systems, but also how systems – and reforms to them – are driven and shaped by the political context they operate in.
Over the next six years it will build evidence on the causes of education success and failure in these countries, developing a systems approach for education and guidance on how education provision can be reformed to deliver better learning for all. It is crucial that these studies focus not only on the technical aspects of education systems, but also how systems – and reforms to them – are driven and shaped by the political context they operate in.
1. Improvements in education access are found across many types of state, but improvements in education quality and learning outcomes are strongest where states have greater coherence, rules-based bureaucracies and a long-term development focus.
2. Significant reforms and progress tend to follow periods of upheaval and transition – the emergence of new elites, shifts in the balance of power between social groups, revolution or the ending of a period of internal conflict.
3. Improved education financing is often an important component – especially where resource levels are low – and can come from a range of sources. However, this is not sufficient in itself to achieve progress.
4. The political incentives to improve education appear to be driven by two forces:
- A shared vision of national development, where education often plays an important role in building a national identity or skilled workforce
- The use of education provision to gather the support of elite groups and followers – either through patron-client relationships (e.g. school construction and control of teacher posts & deployment) or broader policy reforms (e.g. universal free education access, curriculum reforms or widespread teacher training)
Unesco. New Draft of UNESCO Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education, 2015
Informe final que contiene un proyecto de recomendación sobre el aprendizaje y la educación de adultos, preparado de conformidad con el párrafo 3 del Artículo 10 del Reglamento relativo a las recomendaciones a los Estados Miembros y las convenciones internacionales previstas en el párrafo 4 del Artículo IV de la Constitución
Los aspectos siguientes obtuvieron gran respaldo:
- adoptar un planteamiento participativo, basado en los derechos y no discriminatorio en la elaboración y aplicación de las políticas y los programas,
- subrayar la importancia que tiene el aprendizaje y la educación de adultos para la economía y el mercado laboral,
- expresar la necesidad de aumentar el prestigio del aprendizaje y la educación de adultos y fortalecer su función como elemento indispensable de los sistemas actuales de educación,
- colocar el aprendizaje y la educación de adultos como elemento medular del aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida y resaltar la función fundamental que desempeña la alfabetización,
- recalcar la importancia que tienen el reconocimiento, la validación y la acreditación del aprendizaje no formal e informal, y
- reiterar la importancia de redoblar el fortalecimiento de las capacidades y ampliar la cooperación internacional.
En el proyecto se hace referencia en gran medida al concepto de aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida y se subraya su objetivo general, que no es otro que velar por la participación de todos los adultos en sus sociedades y en el mundo laboral. Se tienen en cuenta los tres ámbitos esenciales del aprendizaje y la educación de adultos:
1. la alfabetización y las competencias básicas;
2. la formación permanente y el desarrollo profesional;
3. y las oportunidades de educación y aprendizaje para la ciudadanía activa, conocidas como educación comunitaria, popular o liberal, cuya finalidad es facultar a las personas para que puedan implicarse en una gran variedad de asuntos sociales. Asimismo, se subraya el gran potencial que tienen las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) y su función de apoyo.
Education and training have a prominent place in the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. A headline target has been set for education which specifies twin goals on early school leaving and higher education attainment, while under the European semester of economic governance, the key messages of the 2014 Annual Growth Survey (AGS) as well as the Country-specific Recommendations have strong links with education and training. Moreover, the ‘Strategic framework for cooperation in education and training until 2020’ (ET 2020) and the ‘Rethinking education’ strategyfocus attention on the major challenges facing European education systems, and highlight the areas that need to be improved.
For information on reforms in the EU Member States that are explicitly linked to the Europe 2020 Strategy see the 2014 National reform programmes.
2025 Education, training and demand for labour in Finland by 2025 This report provides a description of the Mitenna model for anticipation of long-term demand for labour and educational needs, complete with anticipation data relating to demand for labour up until 2025 as well as intake needs for education and training in the latter part of the 2010’s based on this data. The report also describes the use of anticipation results in preparation of the Development Plan for Education and Research adopted by the Government. The purpose of the report is to offer a concise overview of long-term quantitative anticipation of demand for labour and educational needs for international experts in the field and other people interested in anticipation of educational needs.
Report, 2010
Education Research 2010 - 2016 The reform is projected to start in 2012.
(...) Adult education and training - Measures will be taken to halve the effect of the social status and educational background on participation in adult education and training by 2020. The long-term aim is to do away with these differences altogether. (...) The aim of the municipal reform is to bring about a thriving municipal structure based on robust municipalities. A strong municipality is made up of natural commuter areas and is sufficiently large to be able independently to manage basic services, with the exception of specialised health care and social welfare services. After the municipal reform, the local authorities will be better placed to take care of educational services and their development. (...) The financing is to give more weight to indicators describing the operational environment in basic education, such as the proportion of immigrants in the population, the level of education among the adult population and the unemployment rate.
(...) In terms of education policy, this means - Shortening the overall time spent in education and training and the average age at the time of qualification by means of shortening the time spent at each level of education, expediting transition phases, reducing unnecessary doubling in education and enhancing the recognition of prior learning, - Improving the completion rate in education, and - Improving the matching of education supply and labour demand.
(...) The effects of the economic recession on the national economy, the dwindling labour force and the unfavourable development in the dependency ratio due to the ageing population call for measures aiming to extend careers and to improve the match between the competencies of the labour force entering the labour market and the skills needs of businesses and public bodies.
(...) In terms of education, this means measures such as accelerating qualification completion times, improving flexibility at transition points between different levels of education, reducing educational overlaps and enhancing recognition of prior learning. Furthermore, it is also possible to make use of quantitative anticipation of educational needs to steer the volume of education and training provision so as to ensure that it matches developments in demand for labour as closely as possible.
(...) The need for entrants in tourism, catering and domestic services is 1,300 smaller than the current intakes; the cuts will be mostly made in initial vocational and polytechnic education in tourism and in initial vocational training in hotel and catering. The largest needs for increases exist in initial vocational automotive technology and logistics training and in the health and social services sector. (...) Lifelong learning means learning throughout the lifespan and in all walks of life. For the principle of lifelong learning to be realised, it is vital that knowledge and competencies are made visible and knowledge and skills are valued to the full wherever, whenever and however they have been acquired. When done correctly, the identification and recognition of prior learning will make for a well-working education and qualification system and improve the motivation and progress of the individual in education and in working life (...) Fewer young immigrants go on to study in the upper secondary school than the mainstream population and therefore they are also underrepresented in higher education. One crucial factor is their language proficiency, which they often feel to be deficient. The provision of additional voluntary basic education has not given sufficient support to them in language development. The aim is that immigrants and people with immigrant backgrounds participate in education in the same ratio as the mainstream population.
Strategic framework 2020 National report for Finland, 2014
2010/06/28 Europa 2030: retos y oportunidades
2025 Education, training and demand for labour in Finland by 2025 This report provides a description of the Mitenna model for anticipation of long-term demand for labour and educational needs, complete with anticipation data relating to demand for labour up until 2025 as well as intake needs for education and training in the latter part of the 2010’s based on this data. The report also describes the use of anticipation results in preparation of the Development Plan for Education and Research adopted by the Government. The purpose of the report is to offer a concise overview of long-term quantitative anticipation of demand for labour and educational needs for international experts in the field and other people interested in anticipation of educational needs.
Report, 2010
Education Research 2010 - 2016 The reform is projected to start in 2012.
(...) Adult education and training - Measures will be taken to halve the effect of the social status and educational background on participation in adult education and training by 2020. The long-term aim is to do away with these differences altogether. (...) The aim of the municipal reform is to bring about a thriving municipal structure based on robust municipalities. A strong municipality is made up of natural commuter areas and is sufficiently large to be able independently to manage basic services, with the exception of specialised health care and social welfare services. After the municipal reform, the local authorities will be better placed to take care of educational services and their development. (...) The financing is to give more weight to indicators describing the operational environment in basic education, such as the proportion of immigrants in the population, the level of education among the adult population and the unemployment rate.
(...) In terms of education policy, this means - Shortening the overall time spent in education and training and the average age at the time of qualification by means of shortening the time spent at each level of education, expediting transition phases, reducing unnecessary doubling in education and enhancing the recognition of prior learning, - Improving the completion rate in education, and - Improving the matching of education supply and labour demand.
(...) The effects of the economic recession on the national economy, the dwindling labour force and the unfavourable development in the dependency ratio due to the ageing population call for measures aiming to extend careers and to improve the match between the competencies of the labour force entering the labour market and the skills needs of businesses and public bodies.
(...) In terms of education, this means measures such as accelerating qualification completion times, improving flexibility at transition points between different levels of education, reducing educational overlaps and enhancing recognition of prior learning. Furthermore, it is also possible to make use of quantitative anticipation of educational needs to steer the volume of education and training provision so as to ensure that it matches developments in demand for labour as closely as possible.
(...) The need for entrants in tourism, catering and domestic services is 1,300 smaller than the current intakes; the cuts will be mostly made in initial vocational and polytechnic education in tourism and in initial vocational training in hotel and catering. The largest needs for increases exist in initial vocational automotive technology and logistics training and in the health and social services sector. (...) Lifelong learning means learning throughout the lifespan and in all walks of life. For the principle of lifelong learning to be realised, it is vital that knowledge and competencies are made visible and knowledge and skills are valued to the full wherever, whenever and however they have been acquired. When done correctly, the identification and recognition of prior learning will make for a well-working education and qualification system and improve the motivation and progress of the individual in education and in working life (...) Fewer young immigrants go on to study in the upper secondary school than the mainstream population and therefore they are also underrepresented in higher education. One crucial factor is their language proficiency, which they often feel to be deficient. The provision of additional voluntary basic education has not given sufficient support to them in language development. The aim is that immigrants and people with immigrant backgrounds participate in education in the same ratio as the mainstream population.
Strategic framework 2020 National report for Finland, 2014
2010/06/28 Europa 2030: retos y oportunidades
El Proyecto Europa 2030: retos y oportunidades es un documento que diagnostica de forma sincera la realidad actual de la UE, los problemas a los que se enfrenta y las respuestas que la UE debe ofrecer en común para afrontar estos desafíos.
El panorama actual, se comienza afirmando en el informe “no es tranquilizador para la Unión y sus ciudadanos”. Es evidente que estamos en un punto crítico de nuestra historia: la crisis económica; el envejecimiento de la población; el desempleo; el cambio climático; la dependencia energética europea; la amenaza del terrorismo… La solución sólo puede estar en dar un golpe de timón, comenzar a perfilar la ruta y sus alternativas, hacia un renovado proyecto común.
Para ello En este sentido, las consultas públicas (NO FUNCIONA ) que realiza la Comisión Europea cada vez que se dispone a proponer una nueva legislación son un buen motor de fomento de la participación ciudadana. El objetivo de estas consultas no es otro que mejorar la gobernanza europea, legislando mejor atendiendo el mayor número posible de intereses. Ciudadanos, empresas y cualquier organización con interés en un asunto o conocimiento especializado pueden colaborar en la elaboración del proyecto de legislación que la Comisión después presenta al Parlamento Europeo y al Consejo. Se convierte así en un instrumento importante para participar en la elaboración de las políticas comunitarias. Todo ello se hace además de forma transparente, algo que es fundamental en el juego de intereses.
En el nuevo informe de Seguimiento de la Educación en el Mundo de la Unesco (GEM 2016) se advierte de que es necesario avanzar más decididamente. Aunque las cantidades de niños y adolescentes excluidos de la Educación han caído sostenidamente en el mundo entre 2000 y 2007 (la tasa de niños no escolarizados bajó en ese periodo del 15% al 10%), desde entonces y hasta 2014 solo ha bajado al 9%).
El Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación en el Mundo (Informe GEM, antes conocido como Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación para Todos en el Mundo), es un informe anual independiente, acreditado y de base empírica que publica la UNESCO. Su cometido consiste en supervisar el progreso en la consecución de las metas educativas en el marco de los nuevos Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Los contenidos y la calidad del Informe GEM corren a cargo de un equipo de expertos coordinado por el Director de la publicación.
Report , 2016
Adult Education. Technical, vocational, tertiary and adult education By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university .
While SDG 4 calls for ensuring lifelong learning opportunities for all, none of the education targets explicitly mentions adult education. However, the proposed global indicator for target 4.3 incorporates the concept of adult education, and adult learning, education and training opportunities form a strategy for achieving target 4.3, according to the Education 2030 Framework for Action
Sustainable development. Education. UNITED NATIONS - NACIONES UNIDAS
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
Target for 2030
- By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and Goal-4 effective learning outcomes
- By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and preprimary education so that they are ready for primary education
- By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
- By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
- By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations
- By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy
- By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
- Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, nonviolent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all
- By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries
- By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing states.
INTERNATIONAL COMPARATION: Education and Training Monitor 2016
(...) The Monitor charts EU and country progress towards:
- Europe 2020 targets on early school leaving and tertiary educational attainment
- Education and Training 2020 benchmarks in participation in early childhood education and care, adult learning, underachievement in basic skills, and employability of recent graduates
- Cross-cutting priority themes, such as financing of education and professional development of teachers
With its international comparison and country analysis, the Monitor fuels the debate on priority themes for education and training, informs national education reform debates, and stands as a reliable and up to date source of information for peer learning among EU Member States.