
domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

2020 - 2030

You know, really clearly identified those three big categories of things we want people to learn, 
1. the content knowledge, 
2. the cognitive skills, and 
3. the non-cognitive skills. 

Así será al escuela del 2030

Rethinking EDUCATION. Spain Información sobre «Un nuevo concepto de educación»: la inversión en las capacidades necesarias para obtener mejores resultados socio-económicos y los datos utilizados en este folleto se encuentran disponibles en: http://ec.europa.eu/education/news/rethinking_en.htm Para obtener más información visite las siguientes páginas web: Objetivos Europa 2020 http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/targets/eu-targets/index_es.htm Valores de referencia para educación y formación 2020 http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/ benchmarks_en.htm Recomendaciones específicas por país http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/making-it-happen/ country-specific-recommendations/ Erasmus+ http://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus-for-all/ Control de educación y formación 2012 http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/ monitor12_en.htm  here

2016/08/25 five-ways-politics-shapes-education-systems-and-reforms 
Over the next six years it will build evidence on the causes of education success and failure in these countries, developing a systems approach for education and guidance on how education provision can be reformed to deliver better learning for all. It is crucial that these studies focus not only on the technical aspects of education systems, but also how systems – and reforms to them – are driven and shaped by the political context they operate in.
1. Improvements in education access are found across many types of state, but improvements in education quality and learning outcomes are strongest where states have greater coherence, rules-based bureaucracies and a long-term development focus.
2. Significant reforms and progress tend to follow periods of upheaval and transition – the emergence of new elites, shifts in the balance of power between social groups, revolution or the ending of a period of internal conflict.
3. Improved education financing is often an important component – especially where resource levels are low – and can come from a range of sources. However, this is not sufficient in itself to achieve progress.
4. The political incentives to improve education appear to be driven by two forces:
  • A shared vision of national development, where education often plays an important role in building a national identity or skilled workforce
  • The use of education provision to gather the support of elite groups and followers – either through patron-client relationships (e.g. school construction and control of teacher posts & deployment) or broader policy reforms (e.g. universal free education access, curriculum reforms or widespread teacher training)
5. Building alliances is crucial for reform, but this is often challenging and requires adaptation to context. A wide range of actors have an interest in expanding education access, but their incentives can have perverse impacts on learning outcomes. Attempts to improve education quality can face opposition from those concerned about its impact on their ability to exercise patronage (politicians) or working conditions (teachers’ unions). How best to defeat, circumvent, accommodate or harness these different actors to achieve improved learning outcomes varies from context to context.

Unesco.  New Draft of UNESCO Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education, 2015
Informe final que contiene un proyecto de recomendación sobre el aprendizaje y la educación de adultos, preparado de conformidad con el párrafo 3 del Artículo 10 del Reglamento relativo a las recomendaciones a los Estados Miembros y las convenciones internacionales previstas en el párrafo 4 del Artículo IV de la Constitución

Los aspectos siguientes obtuvieron gran respaldo: 

- adoptar un planteamiento participativo, basado en los derechos y no discriminatorio en la elaboración y aplicación de las políticas y los programas, 
- subrayar la importancia que tiene el aprendizaje y la educación de adultos para la economía y el mercado laboral, 
- expresar la necesidad de aumentar el prestigio del aprendizaje y la educación de adultos y fortalecer su función como elemento indispensable de los sistemas actuales de educación, 
- colocar el aprendizaje y la educación de adultos como elemento medular del aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida y resaltar la función fundamental que desempeña la alfabetización, 
- recalcar la importancia que tienen el reconocimiento, la validación y la acreditación del aprendizaje no formal e informal, y 
- reiterar la importancia de redoblar el fortalecimiento de las capacidades y ampliar la cooperación internacional.
En el proyecto se hace referencia en gran medida al concepto de aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida y se subraya su objetivo general, que no es otro que velar por la participación de todos los adultos en sus sociedades y en el mundo laboral. Se tienen en cuenta los tres ámbitos esenciales del aprendizaje y la educación de adultos: 
1. la alfabetización y las competencias básicas; 
2. la formación permanente y el desarrollo profesional; 
3. y las oportunidades de educación y aprendizaje para la ciudadanía activa, conocidas como educación comunitaria, popular o liberal, cuya finalidad es facultar a las personas para que puedan implicarse en una gran variedad de asuntos sociales. Asimismo, se subraya el gran potencial que tienen las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) y su función de apoyo.

Education and training have a prominent place in the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. A headline target has been set for education which specifies twin goals on early school leaving and higher education attainment, while under the European semester of economic governance, the key messages of the 2014 Annual Growth Survey (AGS) as well as the Country-specific Recommendations have strong links with education and training. Moreover, the ‘Strategic framework for cooperation in education and training until 2020’ (ET 2020) and the ‘Rethinking education’ strategyfocus attention on the major challenges facing European education systems, and highlight the areas that need to be improved.
For information on reforms in the EU Member States that are explicitly linked to the Europe 2020 Strategy see the 2014 National reform programmes.

2025 Education, training and demand for labour in Finland by 2025  This report provides a description of the Mitenna model for anticipation of long-term demand for labour and educational needs, complete with anticipation data relating to demand for labour up until 2025 as well as intake needs for education and training in the latter part of the 2010’s based on this data. The report also describes the use of anticipation results in preparation of the Development Plan for Education and Research adopted by the Government. The purpose of the report is to offer a concise overview of long-term quantitative anticipation of demand for labour and educational needs for international experts in the field and other people interested in anticipation of educational needs.
Report, 2010
Education Research 2010 - 2016 The reform is projected to start in 2012.
 (...) Adult education and training - Measures will be taken to halve the effect of the social status and educational background on participation in adult education and training by 2020. The long-term aim is to do away with these differences altogether. (...) The aim of the municipal reform is to bring about a thriving municipal structure based on robust municipalities. A strong municipality is made up of natural commuter areas and is sufficiently large to be able independently to manage basic services, with the exception of specialised health care and social welfare services. After the municipal reform, the local authorities will be better placed to take care of educational services and their development.  (...) The financing is to give more weight to indicators describing the operational environment in basic education, such as the proportion of immigrants in the population, the level of education among the adult population and the unemployment rate.
(...) In terms of education policy, this means - Shortening the overall time spent in education and training and the average age at the time of qualification by means of shortening the time spent at each level of education, expediting transition phases, reducing unnecessary doubling in education and enhancing the recognition of prior learning, - Improving the completion rate in education, and - Improving the matching of education supply and labour demand.

(...) The effects of the economic recession on the national economy, the dwindling labour force and the unfavourable development in the dependency ratio due to the ageing population call for measures aiming to extend careers and to improve the match between the competencies of the labour force entering the labour market and the skills needs of businesses and public bodies.
(...) In terms of education, this means measures such as accelerating qualification completion times, improving flexibility at transition points between different levels of education, reducing educational overlaps and enhancing recognition of prior learning. Furthermore, it is also possible to make use of quantitative anticipation of educational needs to steer the volume of education and training provision so as to  ensure that it matches developments in demand for labour as closely as possible.
(...) The need for entrants in tourism, catering and domestic services is 1,300 smaller than the current intakes; the cuts will be mostly made in initial vocational and polytechnic education in tourism and in initial vocational training in hotel and catering. The largest needs for increases exist in initial vocational automotive technology and logistics training and in the health and social services sector. (...) Lifelong learning means learning throughout the lifespan and in all walks of life. For the principle of lifelong learning to be realised, it is vital that knowledge and competencies are made visible and knowledge and skills are valued to the full wherever, whenever and however they have been acquired. When done correctly, the identification and recognition of prior learning will make for a well-working education and qualification system and improve the motivation and progress of the individual in education and in working life  (...) Fewer young immigrants go on to study in the upper secondary school than the mainstream population and therefore they are also underrepresented in higher education. One crucial factor is their language proficiency, which they often feel to be deficient. The provision of additional voluntary basic education has not given sufficient support to them in language development. The aim is that immigrants and people with immigrant backgrounds participate in education in the same ratio as the mainstream population. 

Strategic framework 2020 National report for Finland, 2014

2010/06/28 Europa 2030: retos y oportunidades
El Proyecto Europa 2030: retos y oportunidades es un documento que diagnostica de forma sincera la realidad actual de la UE, los problemas a los que se enfrenta y las respuestas que la UE debe ofrecer en común para afrontar estos desafíos.
El panorama actual, se comienza afirmando en el informe “no es tranquilizador para la Unión y sus ciudadanos”. Es evidente que estamos en un punto crítico de nuestra historia: la crisis económica; el envejecimiento de la población; el desempleo; el cambio climático; la dependencia energética europea; la amenaza del terrorismo… La solución sólo puede estar en dar un golpe de timón, comenzar a perfilar la ruta y sus alternativas, hacia un renovado proyecto común.
Para ello En este sentido, las consultas públicas (NO FUNCIONA ) que realiza la Comisión Europea cada vez que se dispone a proponer una nueva legislación son un buen motor de fomento de la participación ciudadana. El objetivo de estas consultas no es otro que mejorar la gobernanza europea, legislando mejor atendiendo el mayor número posible de intereses. Ciudadanos, empresas y cualquier organización con interés en un asunto o conocimiento especializado pueden colaborar en la elaboración del proyecto de legislación que la Comisión después presenta al Parlamento Europeo y al Consejo. Se convierte así en un instrumento importante para participar en la elaboración de las políticas comunitarias. Todo ello se hace además de forma transparente, algo que es fundamental en el juego de intereses.
En el nuevo informe de Seguimiento de la Educación en el Mundo de la Unesco (GEM 2016) se advierte de que es necesario avanzar más decididamente. Aunque las cantidades de niños y adolescentes excluidos de la Educación han caído sostenidamente en el mundo entre 2000 y 2007 (la tasa de niños no escolarizados bajó en ese periodo del 15% al 10%), desde entonces y hasta 2014 solo ha bajado al 9%).
El Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación en el Mundo (Informe GEM, antes conocido como Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación para Todos en el Mundo)es un informe anual independiente, acreditado y de base empírica que publica la UNESCO. Su cometido consiste en supervisar el progreso en la consecución de las metas educativas en el marco de los nuevos Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).  Los contenidos y la calidad del Informe GEM corren a cargo de un equipo de expertos coordinado por el Director de la publicación.
Report , 2016

Adult Education. Technical, vocational, tertiary and adult education By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university .
While SDG 4 calls for ensuring lifelong learning opportunities for all, none of the education targets explicitly mentions adult education. However, the proposed global indicator for target 4.3 incorporates the concept of adult education, and adult learning, education and training opportunities form a strategy for achieving target 4.3, according to the Education 2030 Framework for Action

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning

Target for 2030  
  • By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and Goal-4 effective learning outcomes
  • By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and preprimary education so that they are ready for primary education
  • By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
  • By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
  • By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations
  • By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy
  • By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
  • Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, nonviolent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all
  • By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries
  • By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing states.
INTERNATIONAL COMPARATION: Education and Training Monitor 2016
(...) The Monitor charts EU and country progress towards:
  • Europe 2020 targets on early school leaving and tertiary educational attainment
  • Education and Training 2020 benchmarks in participation in early childhood education and care, adult learning, underachievement in basic skills, and employability of recent graduates
  • Cross-cutting priority themes, such as financing of education and professional development of teachers
With its international comparison and country analysis, the Monitor fuels the debate on priority themes for education and training, informs national education reform debates, and stands as a reliable and up to date source of information for peer learning among EU Member States.


Alternativas para la jubilación
Expertos aseguran que cada vez más, los mayores escogen para vivir la compañía de otros mayores, bien en pisos compartidos o bien en sus propios domicilios, en los barrios donde tienen los amigos de su misma edad de toda la vida.
Así lo indica, entre otros, Mayte Sancho, directora científica de Matia Instituto Gerontológico, quien cree que esta tendencia va a ir a más a medida que aumenta este grupo poblacional. ¿Por qué? Esta gerontóloga cree que las generaciones más jóvenes tienen más claro que el cuidado de la salud y la atención a sus necesidades son responsabilidades de cada uno, ni de la mujer o el marido, ni de los hijos, sino “de cada uno”. Y desde esa perspectiva, buscan otras soluciones no tradicionales para afrontar esa etapa de la vida en la que los amigos y los vecinos tienen una presencia muy importante.
Who ageing

helpage.org Spain. Noticias: la mesa estatal por los derechos de las personas mayores lanza un manifiesto para luchar contra la discriminación por edad

La Mesa Estatal por los derechos de los mayores y sus organizaciones La Mesa Estatal a favor de las personas mayores y por la Convención de los Derechos Humanos de las personas mayores se crea en Madrid en octubre de 2013 y se presenta oficialmente el día 20 de febrero de 2014, coincidiendo con el Día Internacional de la Justicia Social.

Está constituida por las principales entidades del tercer sector relacionadas con la defensa de los derechos humanos y la acción social, con especial atención a las personas mayores. La Mesa se une al movimiento existente en 57 países para demandar una Convención de Naciones Unidas de los Derechos de las Personas Mayores. 

La misión de la Mesa Estatal es defender los derechos de las personas mayores frente a abusos o violencia, luchar contra la discriminación por edad, hacer visible a este colectivo en el actual sistema de protección de derechos humanos, destacar sus contribuciones positivas que realiza a sus familias y a la sociedad en general.

Para ello, la Mesa apoya firmemente la elaboración, la adopción, la ratificación y la implementación de una Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de las Personas Mayores que proporcionaría un marco legal más claro y ayudaría a los gobiernos, al sector privado, a la sociedad civil y a otros sectores en la toma de decisiones dirigidas de forma positiva a la población más envejecida, a la eliminación de la discriminación por edad, a una mejor protección de los derechos de las mujeres y los hombres mayores, y el respeto de su dignidad. 

La discriminación por edad se tolera en todo el mundo
Las personas mayores se enfrentan a abusos, violencia y negación de sus derechos.
Las personas mayores permanecen invisibles en el actual sistema de protección de derechos humanos.
Las personas mayores realizan contribuciones muy positivas a sus familias y a la sociedad.
Los mecanismos existentes son insuficientes Los acuerdos internacionales sobre el envejecimiento, como los Principios de las Personas Mayores de Naciones Unidas (1990) y el Plan Internacional sobre Envejecimiento de Madrid (MIPAA), no son vinculantes y no ofrecen suficiente protección a los derechos de las personas mayores.
[1] Ver, por ejemplo Situation of the rights of older people in all regions of the world-  Informe de la secretaria general, A/66/173,2011, http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=A/66/173

[2] Informe del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos,  20 Abril, 2012 E/2012/51,pp.1-12

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016


Visit Brussels. Daily Tours.

Viva Brussels

Departure : 10 am, 1.30 pm and 4 pm , Grand Place
Price: Free
Languages: EN, ES
Frequency : from Monday to Sunday

On foot

Among the places we'll be visiting you can find:
The Grand Place
Tin Tin's wall
Manneken Pis
La Bourse
The Saint Nicolas Church
Rue des Boucheres
The Saint Hubert's Galleries
The Saint Michelle Cathedral
The Royal Park
The Royal Palace
The Royal Square
And more.

You must book in advance. here 

Oficina del Gobierno de Cantabria en Bruselas

TURESPAÑA  somos la oficina de turismo de España y nuestra labor en Bélgica como en Luxemburgo es promocionar España en estos  países.

Referente a su pregunta, le informamos que hay 2 posibilidades de llegar a la ciudad desde el aeropuerto:
La primera es de cogerse el tren desde el aeropuerto hasta la estación central y de allí coger el autobús 71 hasta la Porte de Namur y allí tiene cerca la calle Stassart ( lo único, no le puedo decir si está lejos el hotel, pues es calle no larga pero a lo mejor el hotel esta al final de esa calle, es decir del otro lado de la parada de autobús).
La otra posibilidad es de coger el autobús 12 y le llevaría hasta el final de la línea que es la plaza de Luxemburgo y de allí sea a pie o coger un autobús que le llevaría hasta la Porte de Namur. (El billete de autobús le sirve para hacer traslado entre los autobuses).
Mas informaciones sobre los transportes desde el aeropuerto de Bruselas, en el siguiente web:  


Servicio de Información.  

O.E.T. BruselasOficina Española de Turismo en Bruselas  (TURESPAÑA)
rue Royale 97-5
1000 Bruxelles

AEROPUERTO Brusselsairport.CONTACT For me the best way is to go by train to Brussels Midi station from the airport. Then from the Midi station take the subway line 2 or 6 to the station called Naamsepoort.
There you are 200 m from the Aqua Hotel.
Beware that train and subway are separate tickets that can be bought in both stations.

Kind regards


Customer Care Team 
Welcome Center
Brussels Airport Company


AE-PRO, European Adult Education (Young) Professionals Learning Platform, is a three-year project coordinated by EAEA and supported by 8 partners from various countries.
Sixth Steering Committee meeting: Brussels (Belgium), 13-14 October 2016
During this last meeting, some training participants will be invited to give feedback on the training. The consortium will evaluate the project and think about its future steps. 
Project partners:
EAEA, Belgium
KVS, Finland
AES, Serbia
DAEA, Denmark
KERIGMA, Portugal
Entrada principal
Cafetería del centro

PROGRAMME: In order to allow everyone to participate, we decided to fix the main discussion on Thursday afternoon (13th of October from 3pm onwards). However, we would like to ask you to book two hours of your Friday morning (14th of October) for a prolongation in case we run out of time the day before.

GENERAL RULES: We would like to invite to be as frugal as possible in your expenses. We will reimburse only reasonable (no first classes, taxi allowed only before 6am and after 11pm, three-star hotels, etc.) and real costs (clearly proved by invoices: do not forget to collect all your receipts, tickets and boarding passes!).

ACCOMODATION: Our budget allows us to finance two nights for each you. We will pre-book rooms for the AE-PRO partners at the MOTEL ONE Brussels (http://www.motel-one.com/en/hotels/brussels/hotel-bruessel/), so if you like this option we can share with you the link to book there too. If not, we would invite you to do your own booking considering that the maximum budget per night is 100 euros.

TRAVEL COSTS: We would like to invite you to book your travel arrangements trying to find the most economical solution (Maximum budget is 400€). Considering that you will have the budget for two nights you could either travel on Wednesday evening and leave on Friday afternoon or Travel on Thursday morning and return on Saturday. Of course shortest options are also accepted. Both Brussels airports are very easily reachable by public transports: we will send you the instructions about that. If you stay at Motel One, the EAEA office is at walking distance. However, we will give you all the information for you to be able to move freely in Brussels by public transports!

MEALS: We will organise a joint dinner on Thursday evening and cover it for you. We could recommend some places where you can have lunch together on Thursday and Friday if needed. We will see whether we will be able to join you or not, but in any case those subsistence costs can also be reported and thus reimbursed.

Bruselas Charleroi. Aeropuerto

 i am sending you this message to forward you the practical information for your staying in Brussels. Please find them attached.
As some of you asked what to prepare, I would like to reflect upon the following themes:
-          General idea
-          Methodology
-          Content
-          Technical support
-          Exchange among participants
-          Exercises
-          Certificate/outcomes
 We also would like you to share some suggestions to increase the participation of learners and, in case you will join us on Friday afternoon, also some proposal perhaps on how to make projects sustainable. Of course, if you have any. 
My idea: 
1. Give people a voice and a choice, becoming more democratic. Show them their opinions are important and they’ll pay better attention and speak up more. 
2. Problem: The lesson emphasizes the teacher, not the students.
3. The teachers are no very much productive  and have enough knowledge 
4. Give students a prediction activity 
5. Alive and direct webinar no recorded because  Problem: The content is repetitive.
6. Problem: The content is too hard. This is really half the problem. The other half – especially with older students – is their fear of “looking stupid” by asking questions. Permit anonymous questions 
7. Methology: Assess their prior knowledge. This could be as simple as asking students, “What do you know about (topic)?"
how to make projects sustainable.  https://www2.fundsforngos.org/featured/how-to-ensure-sustainability/ 
Good theoretical framework with good specialises on this 
Community involvement: involving the community is the key to have long term impacts from any projects. Make sure that your project involves the community at various stages, this will give them ownership of the project and there are high chances that they may continue with some project aspects even after the project duration. 
Volunteer engagement: one of the strategies that many NGOs use to sustain their projects is through engaging volunteers for performing some activities. As volunteers do not take any salary you can use this human resource to continue your mission without spending money.
 1. The aim of your participation is to provide the project consortium with feedback on the course.  Lack of a theoretical framework  . See “My ideas”
2. to get to know the other participants from all over Europe and 3. to contribute to gathering ideas on the project’s sustainability.
Inclusive projects- holistic  
Skills for life: literacy 
Skills for Work: This approach also takes account of the dynamic and growing complexity of the education and employment system, which have induced the de-standardisation and individualisation of work and employment trajectories over the past decades. As a consequence, individuals perceive their trajectories ever less as linear and progressive, as they are expected to redirect their occupational choices and pathways more frequently. This can be considered both as an opportunity as well as a burden. The same applies to lifelong learning which has become a necessity closely linked to the on-going process of shaping one’s own career and work trajectory.
to identify the role of initial vocational choices for individuals’ subsequent work trajectories. It postulates that in the context of lifelong learning, career guidance services could be better targeted by taking a subject-oriented approach based on a biographical perspective
ADULT EDUCATOR: A perception of homogenisation is revealed through a predominant focus on four factors: occupational interests, where the educator had studied, recent career features and experience details. It is argued that this approach has potential impact in relation to the adult educator's perception of job satisfaction and their role performance.
ADULT EDUCATION TODAY Adult and Community Learning (ACL) is often regarded to be the 'poor relative' within the European countries, education sector. Over recent years sector provision has reduced as financial administration has moved, in turn, from local education authorities (LEAs) to Learning and Skills Councils and more recently to, in large part, charitable and voluntary organisations. Some provision has been absorbed by the Further Education sector. Provision remains, emphasis has changed from a focus on courses which in many cases fulfilled a social need, to those which place a heightened, and at times exclusive, focus on the development of career related skills
1. THE WORLD OF THE WORK. the role Basic Skills provision plays in the New European Commission Skills Agenda, particularly in connection with the Skills Guarantee.
BARRIERS: While the literature strongly focusses on the individual variables of participants and non-participants, it is important to keep in mind that participation in adult lifelong learning activities cannot exist if learning offers are not available. This does not only refer to availability per se, but also to the different modes of participation. The traditional mode and the lifelong learning mode. In a lifelong learning mode, both entrance conditions, didactical approaches and ways of delivering course content are much more flexible than in the traditional mode, which is rather seen as a barrier for the adult learner who has to combine his/her learning with other activities, including work and household duties. Institutions themselves therefore creating barriers. Not only educational institutions, but also workplaces can be described in terms of institutional barriers preventing certain groups from lifelong learning participation. Whether industries are more restrictive or expansive plays a determining role, as well as their training cultures, policies and know-how. One way of dealing with the level of institutional barriers, might be within the role of information.
The model starts from the three central players, the individual, the learning providers and the countries. At the level of the individual, a distinction has been made between social and behavioural characteristics. If we could go back to the notion of the decision-making process, we would say that those with different social characteristics, have different chances to go through this process in a positive way. All is shaped in interaction with the availability of learning providers. Both the typical educational institutions, but also the workplaces can act as generators or barriers to lifelong learning participations. The individual and the institution are also embedded within specific countries, who differ in the architecture of their education and labour market policies. In bringing these elements together, it is hoped that understanding the of participation issues in the field of lifelong learning has increased.
Improving data about adult learners: comparable longitudinal data
2. charitable and voluntary organisations
Bruselas Practical information package AE-PRO meeting in Brussels.pdf (07/10/2016)
 i am sending you this message to forward you the practical information for your staying in Brussels. Please find them attached.
As some of you asked what to prepare, I would like to reflect upon the following themes:
-          General idea
-          Methodology
-          Content
-          Technical support
-          Exchange among participants
-          Exercises
-          Certificate/outcomes
 We also would like you to share some suggestions to increase the participation of learners and, in case you will join us on Friday afternoon, also some proposal perhaps on how to make projects sustainable. Of course, if you have any. 
how to make projects sustainable.  https://www2.fundsforngos.org/featured/how-to-ensure-sustainability/ 
Good theoretical framework with good specialises on this 
Community involvement: involving the community is the key to have long term impacts from any projects. Make sure that your project involves the community at various stages, this will give them ownership of the project and there are high chances that they may continue with some project aspects even after the project duration. 
Volunteer engagement: one of the strategies that many NGOs use to sustain their projects is through engaging volunteers for performing some activities. As volunteers do not take any salary you can use this human resource to continue your mission without spending money.
The meeting will take place in the Mundo-J building at Rue de l’Industrie 10, 1000 Brussels. The closest metro stations are Trone (lines 2 and 6) and Arts-Loi (lines 1, 2, 5 and 6). On both days, the meeting will take place in the Rosa Parks room, located on the ground floor. WiFi will be available. The costs of your staying will be covered by EAEA as explained in a previous email. The reimbursement procedure will be described at the meeting: for the time being just do not forget to keep all your invoices and receipts! 
Participants will be staying at two hotels: Motel One and Aqua Hotel. Both are within a walking distance from the meeting venue. The costs of accommodation are entirely covered for the participants who are staying in the above-mentioned hotels. Motel One Brussels Rue Royale 120 1000 Brussels and Aqua Hotel Rue de Stassart 43 1050 Bruxelles  
In all meals there will be a vegetarian choice. Should you be vegan or have any food allergies or intolerances, please let us know as soon as possible (francesca.operti@eaea.org). On 13 October, light lunch will be served at the meeting venue (the AE-PRO partners will wait for you at around 12h45-13h00). On 14 October, participants can have a common lunch at the Mundo-J canteen, managed by the catering Kamilou (http://kamilou.be/). The joint dinner on Thursday evening (14/10) will be at the EL Turco restaurant (http://elturco.be/), a Mediterranean restaurant located very close to the Mundo-J building and within walking distance both from your hotels.
 Connections to Brussels From Brussels Airport (Zaventem) to your hotel Brussels Airport is very close to the city – it takes around 20 minutes by train from the Brussels Airport to Gare Centrale (Central Station). The airport train station is located below the terminal (basement level-1). Up to 6 trains an hour connect the airport to Brussels Central Station. Tickets are on sale at the stations. A single fare costs EUR 8.60. The city centre is also well connected by bus. From Monday to Friday until 8 PM the Airport Line (bus number 12) halts at the most important stops in Brussels. After 8 PM and at the weekends, the line 12 is replaced by line 21. Taxis from the airport to the city centre are relatively expensive – a single fare from the airport to the city centre is around EUR 40.00. A reliable taxi company is Taxis Verts. You can order a taxi in advance at http://www.taxisverts.be/en/. The easiest way to get to both hotels from the airport is to take the train. If you’re staying at Motel One, you can get off at Gare Centrale (Central Station) and walk from there. If you’re staying at the Aqua Hotel, you can get off at Bruxelles Midi (South Station) and take the metro (line 2 or 6, direction Elisabeth) to the Porte de Namur station. It takes about 10 minutes.
Charleroi Airport is a bit further away from the city centre – it takes around 1 hour by shuttle from the airport to Bruxelles Midi (South Station). Every 30 minutes a shuttle coach leaves the airport to take you to Brussels Midi. The shuttle coach stop is at the crossing of Rue de France and Rue de l'Instruction. Shuttle tickets are sold outside the airport terminal and the terminal tickets. Tickets can be bought from the following website (and they’re cheaper than at the airport): https://www.brussels-city-shuttle.com. If you’re staying at the Aqua Hotel, you can get off at the Bruxelles Midi (South Station) and take the metro (line 2 or 6, direction Elisabeth) to the Porte de Namur station. It takes about 10 minutes (see the picture above). If you’re staying at Motel One, you should also take the metro (line 2 or 6, direction Elisabeth) and get off at Arts-Loi. The hotel is within a short walking distance.

Local Public Transport  
We recommend using public transportation in Brussels. You can buy tickets from Kiosks, Bootiks (at the metro stops) and some supermarkets. Buying a ticket from the driver (which is only possible in trams and buses) is more expensive. Single tickets allow passengers an unlimited number of changes of metro, tram or bus for 60 minutes (you have to stamp/swipe your card on each new means of transport). Multi-trip cards are not nominative and can be used for more than one person (a 10 trip card costs EUR 14).

The Belgian climate is maritime temperate, with an average temperature of 10°C in October. Please check the weather before packing for your trip. Please remember to dress in layers and pack an umbrella. 
Before and after the meetingAlthough Brussels is – compared to other European cities – quite small (1.2 million inhabitants), it feels very cosmopolitan and offers a lot of cultural and culinary life. Speaking about the latter, you cannot leave until you taste the famous beer, chocolate and waffles during your stay in Brussels. Being the symbol of Brussels, the Manneken-Pis is also must!  If you want to get a glance about the European Institutions and the history of Europe, we recommend a visit to the Parlamentarium on Friday morning: a free, dynamic and interactive by design museum that can be experienced in any of the European Union’s 24 official languages, making it the perfect place for visitors of all ages to discover European politics. (http://www.europarl.europa.eu/visiting/fr/bruxelles/parlamentarium).
Estación del tren. Un error le tiene cualquiera

Camino del HOTEL
Del aeropuerto a la estación central y de aquí al metro.

Metro de Bruselas

Estación de metro en Bruselas cerca del hotel 

Camino del hotel. Rue de Stassart 

Rue de Stassart. Brussels


Entrada al hotel

AQUA HOTEL. Rue de Stassart 43, 1050 Bruxelles, Bélgica 
Vistas desde la habitación

Desayuno buffet




A needed framework: epistemology  
Prior learning.  
Validation. Europass.
(...) The Europass tool is currently mainly used by young people with high levels of education, the “low-hanging fruit”. However, more disadvantaged groups with lower levels of educational attainment, older people, those long-term unemployed and recently arrived migrants often do not know the Europass and consequently cannot benefit from the tool to record their skills. In order to improve this situation, Europass should be promoted at national and local level through public employment services, career guidance centres and similar structures. There is a need to convince those actors to use Europass. At European level, a one-stop-shop that integrates a wider set of European tools and services in the area of skills and qualifications (e.g. a tool for self-assessment of entrepreneurship) may also help to further promote and facilitate the use of Europass, similarly to an increased collaboration between the different contact points for those initiatives at national level.

A new skills agenda for Europe: Europass  

a) Working together to strengthen human capital,  employability and competitiveness. How?  Eunec.

On 10 June 2016, the European Commission has adopted a new and comprehensive Skills Agenda for Europe. The aim of the Skills Agenda is to improve the teaching and recognition of skills – from basic to higher skills, as well as transversal and civic skills – and to boost employability. It also aims to ensure that no-one is left behind and that Europe nurtures the high-end skills that drive competitiveness and innovation. The Skills Agenda contributes to the European Commissions’ first political priority ‘A new boost for jobs, growth and investment’. Ten actions are proposed, grouped around three strands.

Strand 1: Improving the quality and relevance of skills formation
Action 1: strengthening the foundations: basic skills. Commission proposal for a council recommendation on establishment of a skills guarantee (June 2016)
To reduce the high number of low-skilled adults in Europe, the Commission is proposing that a Skills Guarantee is established in cooperation with social partners, education and training providers. The Skills Guarantee will provide to adults who lack upper secondary school qualification:
 A skills assessment (identification of existing skills and upskilling needs)
 A tailored learning offer
 Opportunities for the validation and recognition of the acquired skills.
Action 2: Building resilience: key competences and higher, more complex skills. Commission proposal to review the Key Competences for Lifelong Learning with a special focus on promoting entrepreneurial mindsets, and the accompanying European Reference Frameworks (end 2017)
The Commission has developed two specific frameworks to ensure common understanding and foster citizens’ digital competences (DigComp) and entrepreneurial competences (EntreComp).
Action 3: Making VET a first choice. Commission proposals supporting VET modernisation, such as revision of EQAVET and ECVET (half 2017), supporting the implementation of the Riga Conclusions. Organization of a first European VET skills week in 2016.
Action 4: Getting connected: focus on digital skills. Launch of the ‘digital skills and jobs coalition’ (End 2016); inviting the Member States to develop comprehensive national digital skills strategies by mid-2017 on the basis of targets set by end 2016.
Strand 2:Making skills and qualifications more visible and comparable
Action 5: Improving transparency and comparability of qualifications. Commission proposal for the revision of EQF (June 2016). The revision will support a regular update of national qualifications systems, ensure common principles for quality assurance, ensure common principles for credit systems, encourage the use of EQF by wide range of partners, promote the comparability of qualifications.
Action 6: Early profiling of migrants’ skills and qualifications. Launch of the Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals to support early profiling and document skills of asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants. (soon available online)
Strand 3: Advancing skills intelligence, documentation and informed career choices
Action 7: Better intelligence and information for better choices. Commission proposal for the revision of Europass (end 2016)
Action 8: Better intelligence and information for better choices. Further analysis and sharing best practice to tackle brain drain.
Action 9: Boosting skills intelligence in economic sectors. Launch Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (June 2016). The Blueprint is piloted in 2016 in a demand driven process in 6 sectors: maritime technology, automotive, space, defence, textile and tourism. For 2017: construction, steal, health, green technologies and renewable energies.
Action 10: Better understanding performance of graduates. Commission proposal for an initiative on Graduate Tracking (end 2017)
Other work in progress at EU and national level will help advance this Skills Agenda:
    Increasing learning opportunities. More work based learning and business-education partnerships (a possible quality framework for apprenticeships); more support for learners’ mobility (VET Mobility Scoreboard); more learning at the workplace; more opportunities to validate non-formal and informal learning (updates of guidelines on validation and the European Inventory of validation of non-formal and informal learning).
    Supporting teachers and trainers.
    Modernisation agenda for higher education.




Su construcción, en un estilo gótico, se inició a principios del siglo XIII sobre una construcción románica del siglo XI y no se vio terminada hasta dos siglos después. Su estado de conservación es muy bueno ya que, entre 1983 y 1989, fue sometida a una importante restauración.
La catedral era conocida como la Iglesia de San Miguel hasta que, en el año 1047, depositaron en el interior los restos de Santa Gúdula, fallecida en el año 712. Fue entonces cuando la iglesia tomó el nombre de San Miguel y Santa Gúdula. 
A pesar de su antigüedad, la iglesia no adquirió el título de catedral hasta 1961.
Catedral de Bruselas

La Catedral de San Miguel y Santa Gúdula (Cathédrale Saint-Michel et Sainte-Gudule) 

Creado en 1388, el Manneken Pis es uno de los símbolos más representativos y queridos de Bruselas. El Manneken-pis es una estatuilla de unos 50 centímetros que representa a un niño desnudo orinando en la pila de una fuente. Se encuentra ubicada en la parte antigua de la capital belga, entre las calles L’Etuve y Chene, junto la Grand Place.

Manneken Pis 
La Grand Place (Grote Markt en flamenco, Gran Plaza en español) es el corazón geográfico, histórico y comercial de Bruselas, además de una de las plazas más notables de Europa. Esta animada plaza adoquinada forma parte del conjunto arquitectónico del siglo XVII más bello de toda Bélgica.
La Grand Place está compuesta por un conjunto arquitectónico impresionante que hace que los visitantes no sepan hacia dónde mirar.
 El Ayuntamiento de Bruselas (en francés, Hôtel de Ville; en neerlandés, Stadhuis) es un edificio medieval de estilo gótico brabantino, situado en la Grand Place, en la ciudad de Bruselas(Bélgica).
Este edificio se encuadra dentro la arquitectura civil del siglo XV. Durante este siglo tanto Bélgica como Holanda gozaron de una fuerte prosperidad económica que explica la suntuosidad de sus edificios civiles, tanto ayuntamientos como lonjas comerciales y edificios de viviendas. La existencia de una burguesía poderosa, agrupada en gremios de artesanos, que accedieron al gobierno de las ciudades flamencas, empujaron la edificación de notables palacios municipales en las ciudades, que constituyen los más destacados en la Europa de la época. El ayuntamiento de Bruselas supone un magnífico ejemplo de estos edificios junto a los también muy destacados Ayuntamiento de Brujas y Lovaina. La estructura suele ser común a todos ellos: un magno edificio de varios pisos de altura, con una planta baja de carácter porticado que servía como sede del mercado, una fachada larga y un torre campanario para advertir a la ciudadanía de cualquier peligro.
Ayuntamiento de Bruselas

Maison des Ducs de Brabant
Maison du Roi


Las Galerías Reales de San Huberto es una galería comercial acristalada en Bruselas que precedió a otras galerías comerciales del siglo 19 tan emblemáticas como la Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II en Milán y el pasaje en San Petersburgo. Wikipedia