Ya estoy en el nivel avanzado. Ahora, en este nivel hay que cambiar un poco las estrategias de trabajo.
Sabéis que me gustan los consejos y si encuentro en mi camino gente que va en mi dirección, me intereso por lo que ofrece, lo valoro y si me gusta lo incluyo en mi blog.
Aquí os dejo algunos consejos de Mónica la autora del blog para aprender ingles.
Esta entrada la he titulado WORKING IN / FOR ADVANCED 1 y la desarrollaré en dos apartados:
1º. Contexto Teórico. La Andragogía frente a la Pedagogía.
2º. Contexto práctico: Working Advanced 1.
Quiero hacer unos ejercicios difíciles pero interesantes de trabajar con personas adultas, WRITING. Por tanto tanto, estamos trabajando la didáctica para adultos, olvidada hoy en día. La Andragogía nos conduce científicamente al cómo hacer que el adulto aprenda. (Si queréis saber algo más en Andragogía de Néstor Fernández de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méjico).
Por tanto se alude a un "proceso de aprendizaje, el cual a diferencia de la pedagogía va dedicado a personas adultas, caracterizándose por ser, en vez de un proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, una actividad que va enfocada hacia la orientación – aprendizaje del adulto. La Andragogía, por lo general se da por la necesidad del adulto de aprehender y de formarse de manera inmediata para la realización de labores o la necesidad de conocer para resolver problemas de manera inmediata; con la presencia de un facilitador / profesor el cual pondrá a la disponibilidad del estudiante las diversas herramientas para que este pueda ser orientado y así lograr el aprendizaje inmediato. Se basa en experiencias pasadas en el adulto para así aplicar esos conocimientos en la vida cotidiana.
Podemos decir que el Aprendizaje en el Adulto, en forma general, (...) consiste en procesar información variada; para esto, la organiza, la clasifica y luego le realiza generalizaciones de manera efectiva; es decir, aprende por comprensión, lo cual significa que primero entiende y después memoriza; en consecuencia, el adulto aprende en forma opuesta al proceso correspondiente en los niños y adolescentes.
Cuando se tratan temas relacionados con la práctica educativa del adulto, y en particular con su aprendizaje, se debe entender que se trata de un proceso de orientación-aprendizaje a diferencia del que se refiere a la enseñanza-aprendizaje; en él, los participantes interactúan en relación con aquello que se intenta aprender, en consecuencia, facilitadores y participantes requieren poseer características comunes de autenticidad, motivación, autocrítica, empatía, igualdad, interacción, ética y respeto mutuo".
(El subrayado es mío y está entresacado de monografias.com en cuyo buscador escribís Andragogía y tendréis más datos).
Concretando, desde mi punto de vista, tenemos las siguientes etapas que no son más que los pasos del método científico que guía la concepción didáctica para la adultez:
3º. Clasificar esos datos.
4º. Organizarlos.
5º. Redactar o realizar un proceso de síntesis.
6º. Exposición (individual o grupal).
7º. Autoevaluación y/o evaluación.
Se puede trabajar en grupo o de forma individual y hay que tener en cuenta la forma que le vamos a dar que no difiere a los ejercicios en español: márgenes, párrafos, etc.
Este será un trabajo individual, para la clase de inglés de avanzado 1 de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas y siendo los alumnos orientados por la profesora que nos ha entregado una hoja explicativa de lo que es un ""writing an article" con un ejemplo y esquema y un ejemplo de un artículo académico o formal. Apoyaré este camino marcado por la profesora pero insuficiente.
En primer lugar podéis leer los consejos orientativos en excellent writing in american academic English
Resumo y comento:
1. Pocas palabras pero exactas. Escribe con propiedad.
2. Con este consejo no estoy muy de acuerdo porque la voz pasiva suele ser formal y muy útil para los escritos impersonales. Pensad en ello.
3. No abusar de los pronombres.
4. Evitar palabras informales. Aquí tenemos un grave problema: nadie nos marca la diferencia. Intentaré hacer un resumen según vayan saliendo. Ver la entrada a este blog de Tips / Consejos
Informales Formales
a lot of a large number of + countables noums
a amount of + uncontables noums
for a while for average
Also, beware using ‘…’ and ‘etc.’ in a piece of academic writing because it leaves the reader too much room to add their own ideas. You need to be really specific in your writing. I usually use ‘such as X, Y, and Z, for example’ as a neat way of showing that the ideas I am using as examples are not exhaustive, and to also avoid using etc.
As an aside, I don’t know if you’re aware that academic writing does not use contractions but instead uses everything in full (let’s => let us). You shouldn’t use ‘let us’ or ‘let’s’ as it’s personalisation so you need to be careful here.
hours on end" and "in a nutshell" - they sound a little informal for an academic essay.
5. Debes de ser directo y claro.
FOCUS. Paragraph 1 - Arguments in the past.
Have you ever thought how life would be with new hi-tech cars? How about flying cars?
B) There will be houses with hangar or a large building in which flying car will be kept.
To conclude, whatever may happen in the future, I am sure that if people can afford to buy a flying car, they will, and life will go on.
Murcia. Airpark http://www.globalcosta.com/airpark/englisch/airpark.htm
European transport http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-17592648
Flyng cars: Radical concept design aims high http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20130523-radical-flying-car-model-unveiled
An example
0. Title.
Discuss the reasons why ...
1. Introduction (background)
The internet is used for many things one of which is to keep in touch with friends, family and business associates. This is called social networking and is very popular and is changing the way people communicate each with other.
2. Introduction (thesis statement)
This essay will highlight some of the reasons why social networking causes a wide range of problems.
3. Paragraph 1 (paragraph leader)
Firstly, social networking can be bad due to the fact it may become addictive.
4. Paragraph 1 (paragraph body)
For example, many young people spend hours on end checking what is said by friends and acquaintances instead of dedicating their spare time on doing something more constructive and useful such as sports. A study from University of Michigan found that Facebook use makes people feel worse about themselves and the more they browse, the worse they feel and they are less likely to have friendships.
5. Paragraph 2 (paragraph leader)
Additionally, technology is changing the way to communicate creating serious problems such as moving away from face-to-face conversation.
6. Paragraph 2 (paragraph body)
For instance, there are some possible dangers of networking websites on children’s such as mental health because the way social interaction is changing caused by social media is the primary way youth group interact socially. There are people that prefer seeing friends and family sitting on beaches or having fun at parties while they are on a computer. In addition to that, University of Chicago has found that loneliness is twice as bad for health as obesity. This is a problem because of the close relationship between loneliness and mental health.
7. Conclusion (summary)
In a nutshell, social networking is not a clear-cut issue yet. If the users can keep networking under control, then it will not rule their lives.
8. Conclusion (future suggestion: a prediction, recommendation or solution)
Antes de comenzar tu trabajo o bien al acabarlo y antes de darlo por finalizado debes preguntarte:
1. Does the introduction include some general background to the title? Is there a thesis statement?
2. Is the topic focus of each paragraph clear? Are the ideas in each paragraph supported with details and examples?
3. Does the conclusion sum up the main ideas of the essay? Is there a suggestion for the future (a recommendation or prediction or solution)?
Sabéis que me gustan los consejos y si encuentro en mi camino gente que va en mi dirección, me intereso por lo que ofrece, lo valoro y si me gusta lo incluyo en mi blog.
Aquí os dejo algunos consejos de Mónica la autora del blog para aprender ingles.
Esta entrada la he titulado WORKING IN / FOR ADVANCED 1 y la desarrollaré en dos apartados:
1º. Contexto Teórico. La Andragogía frente a la Pedagogía.
2º. Contexto práctico: Working Advanced 1.
Quiero hacer unos ejercicios difíciles pero interesantes de trabajar con personas adultas, WRITING. Por tanto tanto, estamos trabajando la didáctica para adultos, olvidada hoy en día. La Andragogía nos conduce científicamente al cómo hacer que el adulto aprenda. (Si queréis saber algo más en Andragogía de Néstor Fernández de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méjico).
Por tanto se alude a un "proceso de aprendizaje, el cual a diferencia de la pedagogía va dedicado a personas adultas, caracterizándose por ser, en vez de un proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, una actividad que va enfocada hacia la orientación – aprendizaje del adulto. La Andragogía, por lo general se da por la necesidad del adulto de aprehender y de formarse de manera inmediata para la realización de labores o la necesidad de conocer para resolver problemas de manera inmediata; con la presencia de un facilitador / profesor el cual pondrá a la disponibilidad del estudiante las diversas herramientas para que este pueda ser orientado y así lograr el aprendizaje inmediato. Se basa en experiencias pasadas en el adulto para así aplicar esos conocimientos en la vida cotidiana.
Podemos decir que el Aprendizaje en el Adulto, en forma general, (...) consiste en procesar información variada; para esto, la organiza, la clasifica y luego le realiza generalizaciones de manera efectiva; es decir, aprende por comprensión, lo cual significa que primero entiende y después memoriza; en consecuencia, el adulto aprende en forma opuesta al proceso correspondiente en los niños y adolescentes.
Cuando se tratan temas relacionados con la práctica educativa del adulto, y en particular con su aprendizaje, se debe entender que se trata de un proceso de orientación-aprendizaje a diferencia del que se refiere a la enseñanza-aprendizaje; en él, los participantes interactúan en relación con aquello que se intenta aprender, en consecuencia, facilitadores y participantes requieren poseer características comunes de autenticidad, motivación, autocrítica, empatía, igualdad, interacción, ética y respeto mutuo".
(El subrayado es mío y está entresacado de monografias.com en cuyo buscador escribís Andragogía y tendréis más datos).
Concretando, desde mi punto de vista, tenemos las siguientes etapas que no son más que los pasos del método científico que guía la concepción didáctica para la adultez:
1º. Concretar el tema. El título te marcará el inicio así como hacer un guión.
2º. Buscar datos objetivos. Internet aporta múltiples posibilidades. 3º. Clasificar esos datos.
4º. Organizarlos.
5º. Redactar o realizar un proceso de síntesis.
6º. Exposición (individual o grupal).
7º. Autoevaluación y/o evaluación.
Se puede trabajar en grupo o de forma individual y hay que tener en cuenta la forma que le vamos a dar que no difiere a los ejercicios en español: márgenes, párrafos, etc.
Este será un trabajo individual, para la clase de inglés de avanzado 1 de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas y siendo los alumnos orientados por la profesora que nos ha entregado una hoja explicativa de lo que es un ""writing an article" con un ejemplo y esquema y un ejemplo de un artículo académico o formal. Apoyaré este camino marcado por la profesora pero insuficiente.
En primer lugar podéis leer los consejos orientativos en excellent writing in american academic English
Resumo y comento:
1. Pocas palabras pero exactas. Escribe con propiedad.
2. Con este consejo no estoy muy de acuerdo porque la voz pasiva suele ser formal y muy útil para los escritos impersonales. Pensad en ello.
3. No abusar de los pronombres.
4. Evitar palabras informales. Aquí tenemos un grave problema: nadie nos marca la diferencia. Intentaré hacer un resumen según vayan saliendo. Ver la entrada a este blog de Tips / Consejos
Informales Formales
a lot of a large number of + countables noums
a amount of + uncontables noums
for a while for average
Also, beware using ‘…’ and ‘etc.’ in a piece of academic writing because it leaves the reader too much room to add their own ideas. You need to be really specific in your writing. I usually use ‘such as X, Y, and Z, for example’ as a neat way of showing that the ideas I am using as examples are not exhaustive, and to also avoid using etc.
As an aside, I don’t know if you’re aware that academic writing does not use contractions but instead uses everything in full (let’s => let us). You shouldn’t use ‘let us’ or ‘let’s’ as it’s personalisation so you need to be careful here.
hours on end" and "in a nutshell" - they sound a little informal for an academic essay.
5. Debes de ser directo y claro.
register: I woulk like to be neutral.
Aim: to
classmates who are studying English.
Title: Think about
Guiding notes:
Guiding notes:
Introduction - Opinion against and in
Tesis Statment.
FOCUS. Paragraph 1 - Arguments in the past.
FOCUS. Paragraph 2 - Arguments in the present.
FOCUS. Paragraph 3 - Early future:
FOCUS. In conclusion. - Changing everything.
Cars and their influence,
past and present.
Have you ever thought how life would be with new hi-tech cars? How about flying cars?
Of course, it
would be totally different because the flying cars will be the kings of the
skies and the cities even our lifestyles due to that it will be the more
expensive means of transport which we have
ever known and the terrestrial and spacial Earth must have to adapt to.
This essay will try to look at some of the pros and cons of how the flying cars
influence ours lives.
Firstly, in the
past, people didn´t use to own transport, so they travelled on a horse, bike or
went on foot because cities had been designed for that. Technology didn´t exist and people lived without cars and less comfort.
currently things have changed and everybody has a car with modern
technology. What type of
car have you got? A petrol one? A diesel? A hybrid or even an electric one? Or,
a self-driving car?
The cities
haven´t got much free space and there are plenty of car parks and there aren´t places for anything else,
such as breathing fresh air, walking without noise, chatting calmly in the
street, etc. Thus, citizens live in a
comfortable lifestyle because the level the new technology is higher than the
Third, in two
years´ time a personal air transport
system will drastically change our lives because:
A) There will
be unusual models of cars.
B) There will be houses with hangar or a large building in which flying car will be kept.
C) There will
be new cities it will adapt to smart cities where the local, national and
European laws must change current way of living.
The law for
Europe ´s busy skies where we will have hundreds of airways, the roads will
become runways, etc. and we will live constantly hectic days in a technological
world. Although, it seems we will make us to live more comfortable.
To conclude, whatever may happen in the future, I am sure that if people can afford to buy a flying car, they will, and life will go on.
Murcia. Airpark http://www.globalcosta.com/airpark/englisch/airpark.htm
European transport http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-17592648
Flyng cars: Radical concept design aims high http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20130523-radical-flying-car-model-unveiled
- -- -Three important aspects of essay writing: what title you give your essay, how you organise your ideas
- the style you use to write your essay.
It’s important to think about how you organise your ideas in your essay because good organisation can make your essay easier to understand and ensures that you answer the hidden question in the essay title.
- -Organisation of an example essay (see bellow). Using the following template, can you identify the different sections of his essay? y, mark the parts of the essay on your copyedit.
- -Organisation of an example essay (see bellow). Using the following template, can you identify the different sections of his essay? y, mark the parts of the essay on your copyedit.
- Title
- Introduction (background)
- Introduction (thesis statement)
- Paragraph 1 (paragraph leader)
- Paragraph 1 (paragraph body)
- Paragraph 2 (paragraph leader)
- Paragraph 2 (paragraph body)
- Conclusion (summary)
- Conclusion (future suggestion: a prediction, recommendation or solution)
- When someone reads your essay, they need to be able to follow the organisation of the essay. You can help the reader follow your organisation by making clear links between your thesis statement, paragraph leaders and your conclusion.
- What essay title would you choose and why? Remember that your essay title should begin: Discuss the reasons why …
- To make your essay easy for the reader to understand, it’s important to write in clear English. Some of the key areas of language and grammar that are used in academic writing.
- Think about how to use the present simple tense to write about:
- facts, which are permanent or always true
- activities, which are repeated or regular.
- The present simple is used widely in academic writing
- ‘There is’ and ‘there are’ can be used to introduce new information to the reader.
- In academic writing, you often need to write in an impersonal way about people or things in general.What does writing in an impersonal style mean? When you write your essay, you need to use an impersonal style, as you are writing objectively about impersonal topics.
Academic writing is used for discussing facts and ideas about the world. It does not give personal details. The writer does not know the reader, and so does not address him or her as a friend.
Academic writing style, therefore, is not informal and personal. It is formal and impersonal. To write in a more formal, impersonal style we need to avoid using I, you and we.
- Quantity expressions can help you to write about groups of people. You may have to write about large or small numbers of people.
Large groups
Words such as ‘the majority’ and ‘most’ can be used to write about large groups.
For example:
- The majority of students do not like homework.
- Most couples in China only have one child.
- Nearly everyone feels nervous when he or she starts a new job.
- Many elderly people do not like going out in the evening
- Almost all international students are a little homesick at first.
Small groups
To refer to small groups in your writing, you can use words such as ‘a few’ and ‘some’.
For example:
- Some students arrive late every day.
- A few students always arrive late to lessons.
- Not many children enjoy doing their homework.
Subject-verb agreement. when using quantity expressions, it’s important to think about the subject-verb agreement. The majority of the quantity expressions use the plural form of the verb, for example:
Most people in Oman own a car
But ‘nearly everyone’ uses the singular form of the verb, for example:
Nearly everyone in Oman is Muslim.
- In academic writing, you may need to contrast permanent situations with temporary or changing situations.
- In academic writing, it is good style to use a variety of clause structures.
- Compound sentences and linking words.
- Complex sentences and subordinators.
An example
0. Title.
Discuss the reasons why ...
1. Introduction (background)
The internet is used for many things one of which is to keep in touch with friends, family and business associates. This is called social networking and is very popular and is changing the way people communicate each with other.
2. Introduction (thesis statement)
This essay will highlight some of the reasons why social networking causes a wide range of problems.
3. Paragraph 1 (paragraph leader)
Firstly, social networking can be bad due to the fact it may become addictive.
4. Paragraph 1 (paragraph body)
For example, many young people spend hours on end checking what is said by friends and acquaintances instead of dedicating their spare time on doing something more constructive and useful such as sports. A study from University of Michigan found that Facebook use makes people feel worse about themselves and the more they browse, the worse they feel and they are less likely to have friendships.
5. Paragraph 2 (paragraph leader)
Additionally, technology is changing the way to communicate creating serious problems such as moving away from face-to-face conversation.
6. Paragraph 2 (paragraph body)
For instance, there are some possible dangers of networking websites on children’s such as mental health because the way social interaction is changing caused by social media is the primary way youth group interact socially. There are people that prefer seeing friends and family sitting on beaches or having fun at parties while they are on a computer. In addition to that, University of Chicago has found that loneliness is twice as bad for health as obesity. This is a problem because of the close relationship between loneliness and mental health.
7. Conclusion (summary)
In a nutshell, social networking is not a clear-cut issue yet. If the users can keep networking under control, then it will not rule their lives.
8. Conclusion (future suggestion: a prediction, recommendation or solution)
Consumers should never allow it to control the life and everybody should have the opportunity to know theirs effects.
Antes de comenzar tu trabajo o bien al acabarlo y antes de darlo por finalizado debes preguntarte:
1. Does the introduction include some general background to the title? Is there a thesis statement?
2. Is the topic focus of each paragraph clear? Are the ideas in each paragraph supported with details and examples?
3. Does the conclusion sum up the main ideas of the essay? Is there a suggestion for the future (a recommendation or prediction or solution)?
An example with 350 WORDS
TITLE: Discuss the reasons why social
networking causes a wide range of problems
The internet is used for many things one of
which is to keep in touch with friends, family and business associates. This is
called social networking and is very popular and is changing the way people
communicate each with other. This essay will highlight some of the reasons why
social networking causes a wide range of problems.
Firstly, social networking can be bad due
to the fact it may become addictive, for example, many young people spend hours
on end checking what is said by friends and acquaintances instead of dedicating
their spare time on doing something more constructive and useful such as
sports. A study from University of Michigan found that Facebook use makes people
feel worse about themselves and the more they browse, the worse they feel and they
are less likely to have friendships.
Additionally, technology is changing the
way to communicate creating serious problems such as moving away from
face-to-face conversation. For instance, there are some possible dangers of
networking websites on children’s such as mental health because the way social
interaction is changing caused by social media is the primary way youth group interact
socially. There are people that prefer seeing friends and family sitting on
beaches or having fun at parties while they are on a computer. In addition to
that, University of Chicago has found that loneliness is twice as bad for
health as obesity. This is a problem because of the close relationship between
loneliness and mental health.
Furthermore, your privacy can disappear
since the instant you share information as once shared you do not know what
other third parties will have access to it.
The Web allows for unprecedented voyeurism, exhibitionism and
inadvertent indiscretion, and it is permanent and public digital files.
Consequently, you could be a victim to identity theft, or cyber bullying, for
example, which could cause serious problems. (leer abajo)
In a
nutshell, social networking is not a clear-cut issue yet. If the users can keep networking under control, then it will not
rule their lives. Consumers should never
allow it to control the life and everybody should have the opportunity to know
theirs effects.
1. Anne Vicary (educator) University of Reading
1. Anne Vicary (educator) University of Reading
Thanks for this. A great essay - very well organised. Good control of language. You need to think a little more about how to keep your writing impersonal. For example instead of: 'Furthermore, your privacy can disappear since the instant you share information as once shared you do not know what other third parties will have access to it', it may be better to write: 'Furthermore, privacy can be compromised because the instant information is shared, it may well be accessed by third parties'...using the passive can sometimes be more appropriate and concise than using 'you' and the active voice.
2. Chris Ryder (Mentor) University of Reading
Overall, very well done! I hope you've enjoyed the course and that it has helped you in your writing :)