
jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014


La Fedea o Federación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada con Ángel de la Fuente y Rafael Domenech, subraya en este estudio que las diferencias entre regiones en España en temas de educación en general y de educación de adultos en particular y afirman que entre 1960 y 2011, periodos que analizan, el incremento del número medio de años en educación de la población adulta ha sido de casi el 110%.
Para conocer el número de alumno adultos por CCAA   desde el curso 2001-2002 hasta 2012-2013 (Base de datos del MEC). Mecd. Conferencia sectorial de educación

Ministerio de Educación. Organigrama.
2006. Ministerio de Educación La Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) aprobada en mayo de 2006, regula la estructura y organización del sistema educativo en sus niveles no universitarios. En ella se reiteran los principios y derechos reconocidos en la Constitución defendiendo una nueva ley de calidad con equidad para todos. Se insiste en el carácter inclusivo de la educación, en igualdad de trato y no discriminación de las personas bajo ninguna circunstancia.
Los principales objetivos del sistema educativo en lo relacionado con las enseñanzas son: mejorar la educación y los resultados escolares, conseguir el éxito de todos en la educación obligatoria, aumentar la escolarización en infantil, en bachillerato y en ciclos formativos, aumentar las titulaciones en bachillerato y en formación profesional, educar para la ciudadanía democrática, fomentar el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida, reforzar la equidad del sistema educativo y converger con los países de la UE.
Además, la Ley organiza la educación infantil, la educación secundaria postobligatoria, las enseñanzas artísticas, las enseñanzas deportivas, las enseñanzas de idiomas y la educación de adultos y a distancia, dentro del marco de un aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Asimismo recoge el planteamiento participativo y los aspectos referentes a la organización y funcionamiento de los centros, impulsando sus competencias y autonomía organizativa, y regula las competencias de los consejos escolares y del claustro de profesores.

En el ámbito del sistema educativo, la oferta de educación para personas adultas está contemplada en el Capítulo IX de la Ley Orgánica de Educación 2/2006, de 3 de mayo de 2006. En la actualidad se imparten las siguientes enseñanzas para adultos:
Enseñanza básica: enseñanzas iniciales y enseñanzas de educación secundaria para personas adultas, dirigidas a la obtención del título de Graduado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (GESO).
o Enseñanzas postobligatorias: Bachillerato y Formación Profesional.
o Preparación para las pruebas de acceso a ciclos de grado medio y grado superior de Formación Profesional
o Preparación para la pruebas de acceso a la universidad para mayores de 25 años
o Programas de Cualificación Profesional Inicial
o Formación en el uso de las TIC
o Aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras
o Oferta educativa del That’s English!, en modalidad de educación a distancia, reconocida por las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas en los niveles básico e intermedio.
o Español para extranjeros
o Enseñanzas iniciales de idiomas
o Cursos de Educación para la salud y hábitos saludables, y para la prevención de enfermedades y riesgos laborales
o Cursos de Educación vial

Otros cursos, dentro de la autonomía de los centros educativos

Estas enseñanzas se imparten en la modalidad presencial, en los Centros de Educación de Personas Adultas, y en la modalidad de distancia o de teleformación, por el CIDEAD, para formación reglada, y Aula Mentor, para la oferta de formación no reglada.  

The General Sub Directorate for Lifelong Learning regulates and organizes general and common structures for Adult Learning for the whole national territory in Spain. Autonomous Communities adapt this framework to their context.

The Directorate is preparing a base for the new curriculum for Adult Learning according to the new Education Act and to the current adults needs. That is why we have considered that it would be very important and necessary to elaborate and offer new materials to fulfil the aims of the Adult Curriculum. They will be later structured in twelve different courses by level and area, and their content will be connected with the different areas of the new curriculum: basic skills, social
and communication skills in mother tongue and in the second language, ICT competences, mathematics and problema solving competences, entrepreneurship, etc…

When these courses are implemented by AULA MENTOR, a certificate will be issued according to AULA MENTOR administrative rules.

The target group is any adult interested in formal and non-formal education not only in order to get a certificate but also for personal development.

Our aim is that these materials are used not only by individuals but also by professionals, adult centres, public and private schools, academies, NGOs, etc.
DINAMARCA sobre la jubilación. ¿Marcando políticas en Europa?  Denmark to do away with forced retirement

2016, PAISES NORDICOS sobre la Restricciones para la basura Este informe quiere clarificar la regulación europea sobre  los equipos electrócnicos y eléctricos que consideran debe valorarse el peligro de los materiales que se usan.
UNESCO declaration on Education for Sustainable Development (2009): how can its emphasis on participatory, critical teaching and learning methods which can motivate and empower learners to change their behaviour, and take action, for sustainable development be incorporated in policies – in Europe and the world? Social and economic crises have shown the fragility of existing institutions and policies. The development of sustainable policies and practices for adult and lifelong education has become vital.

CONFITA VI. INFORME mundial sobre el aprendizaje y la educación de adultos (GRALE) en español. Publicado en 2010 por el Instituto de la UNESCO para la Educación a lo Largo de Toda la Vida. Hamburgo, Alemania 2010.

http://idealproject.eu/consortium/ : UNESCO INSTITUTE FOR LIFELONG LEARNING,
STUDY PORTAL, International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), 

                               UNIÓN EUROPEA
EPALE, Dirección General de Educación y Cultura, es una comunidad de relaciones entre personas dentro del campo de la educación de adultos en Europa, perdón, "del aprendizaje de adultos". (...) EPALE está financiada por la Comisión Europea y supone el avance más reciente de un compromiso continuo por mejorar la calidad de los servicios de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa. Puede informarse acerca de la política de la UE en relación con el aprendizaje de adultos aquí y aquí empieza a informarte
TOPICS: Teachers for expert groups
Priority Areas:

1. Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality and increasing access to education for all
2. Improving the quality and efficiency of the adult learning system;
3. Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship through participation in social and cultural learning for personal development and fulfilment;
4. Enhancing the creativity and innovation of adults and their learning environments
5. Improving and monitoring the knowledge base

                                                          October, 2015
ADULT LEARNING . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DGEAC)

ET 2020 WORKING GROUP here Education strategic. Framework. Expert groups
Dana-Carmen Bachmann dana-carmen.bachmann@ec.europa.eu, the Head of vocational training and adult education unit of the European Commission, says that fusion of vocational training and adult education units has enhanced Commission's work on both áreas. Coordination is very important. (...) The units were joined from the beginning of 2013. (...) Leading a combined unit with 30 staff members requires good organisation, within the unit and with other units and DG´s of the Commission, but also with a wide range of stakeholders, like NGOs, member states, and so on," Dana-Carmen Bachmann tells.

Si tienes un poco de lío, aquí te dejo una guía de Eucis-lll.eu (European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning) de julio de 2015
Sobre el tema 2015/04 Annual conference
(...) the changes introduced by the new Commission appointed in 2014, changes not only in structure, but also in culture, which reflect on the programme and process (more transversal approach, work in teams, by objectives). These changes are also reflected in the distribution of portfolios, with adult education,skills and Vocational Education and Training (VET) now in the realm of DG Employment. P. 3 by Chiara Gariazo. Director a "Modernization of Education 1", dG WAC, European Comission.  

 People and organizations in charge in Adult Learning in Europe Selection results - National Coordinators for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning.
The strategic framework for education and training defines four common objectives to address these challenges by 2020:

  • Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality;
  • Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training;
  • Promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship;
  • Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.
These priorities are addressed by the European Commission, by European member States, by other countries participating in the Erasmus + programme, by education institutions, education stakeholders, networks, associations by working on the following topics:

  • Awareness-raising;
  • Financing adult learning;
  • Higher education: access to adults;
  • Monitoring the adult learning sector;
  • Quality;
  • Reaching out to specific target groups;
  • Validation of non-formal and informal learning. 

What are the European targets? In the field of adult education, the target set is as follows: by 2020, 15% of adults aged 25-64 should be taking part in adult education. (Eaea.org en policy advocacy. Eaea and European policies. European Agenda for Adult Learning).








Un poco de nuestro marco educativo actualizado.
La Educación de Adultos en Europa. La importancia de esta rama de la educación de adultos visto por la Comisión Europea  en su agenda del programa de Lifelong Learning para 2020.
Education Policy School Literacy Report. Unión Europea, 2012

Plan de acción en E. Adultos en España


blog tesis medio ambiente en andragogia http://www.joannapinewoodeducation.com/jpe-tutors/grundtvig-assistants

                           OTRAS  INSTITUCIONES

La Red de Estudios sobre Políticas en la Educación de Adultos de la Sociedad Europea para la Investigación en Educación de Adultos (ESREA) es una de las 12 redes activas de ESREA y celebra conferencias cada dos años desde el 2012. Las actas y trabajos de la conferencia se publicarán y toda la información estará disponible en la web http://www.esrea2014.learning.aau.dk.


The results show a continuing trend towards better English language skills in Spain, with the country one of the biggest improvers since 2007 — behind only Turkey, Poland and Estonia.
"Spain is seeing the results of a significant change in attitude toward English language education. The Spanish government has defined English as one of  seven basic skills, alongside Spanish and math," the authors of the EF study noted.
The report also noted the huge increase in the number of bilingual schools in the country, where students spend 30 percent of the day in an English-speaking environment
The latest EF English Language Proficiency Index showed Spanish women had slightly better English than Spanish men, while people aged 35 to 44 had the best English. In terms of regions, the highest scores were in the Basque Country while the lowest were in Extremadura
The EF study also concluded there exist strong correlations between English proficiency and income, quality of life, ease of doing business, Internet usage, and years of schooling. These correlations are remarkably stable over time, stated EF in its findings.
Across ages

A vision underlying literacy strategies should be built around all stages of life, stretching from birth, through the school years and adulthood into retirement. Literacy strategies should not just focus on children’s development, nor should they deal exclusively with adult education. This approach necessarily involves the entire range of relevant individuals and organisations. Family literacy programmes in particular can play an essential role in policies which cover the whole spectrum of lifelong learning (see also CHARTER 3) Education Policy School Literacy Report. Unión Europea, 2012 WITH Make use of the full diversity of materials 

There should not be a hierarchical ranking of reading material. Books, comic books, newspapers, magazines and online reading materials are equally valid and important entry points to reading for children and adults alike. A literate, motivating environment is one that encourages and supports a wide diversity of reading materials and Reading practices. Books and other printed texts are important. But in recognition of the digital opportunities, people should be encouraged to read what they enjoy reading, in whatever format is most pleasurable and convenient for them. This

includes reading and writing online. .... 


High -quality adult literacy courses require committe and well-qualified teachers.
Teaching adults requires qualified teachers, trained to deal with the specific challenges of adults. These adults have a long history of struggling in school, and managed to leave compulsory education without developing good reading and writing skills. They need high-quality teachers who treat learners as adults and give them individual attention.

However, at present, very few tutors have specific qualifications in adult literacy pedagogy. Well-qualified staff members 

 Participation and inclusion
Though lifelong learning has received significant policy attention in Europe in recent decades, our education and training systems are still based too much on the idea that learning is something we do when we are young. In many Member States, the adult education sector lacks coherence, with many unconnected or loosely connected activities that add up to less than the sum of their parts: such as awareness- raising campaigns, the offering of adult literacy courses, development of materials, activation of volunteers and other societal players, as well as engagement of people

close to the adults who require support. These factors limit participation among adults, as the message appears to be that they should have developed these skills when they were younger and there is no clear pathway towards improving them now as adults.

The adult participation gap
Adults with medium and high qualifications are seven times as likely to participate in lifelong learning as those with low qualifications. A tiny 4 % of low-skilled adults participate in lifelong learning, although these are the people who most need to strengthen their skills, and should have the highest participation rate.
The adult participation gap can be tackled in several ways:  by bringing literacy instruction into the workplace, through workplace literacy programmes; by making courses free and more accessible; and by using family links and NGOs to reach those who are hardest to reach.
A key way to attract low-skilled adults into lifelong learning is providing them with early success and early recognition of their achievements. Non-formal and informal learning form an important part of the lifelong learning process, but are not foten recognised or formally validated. This sends a mesage that informal lerning is less valuable.
 FUNDACIÓN SANTILLANA en la XXIX Semana de la Educación con el título “Mejorar la educación: ¿qué puede aportar la tecnología?“. Las jornadas dedicadas a la Educación en general sin tocar el tema de la Educación de Adultos, en febrero 2015 en Madrid, fueron contexto para la presentación del documento aquí y del que extraigo lo siguiente de su página 26: 

(...) Un importante logro científico del siglo XX fueron los grandes avances en la comprensión

de la cognición, es decir, los procesos mentales del pensamiento, la percepción y el

recuerdo, y su reflejo neurológico, que han dado lugar ya en el siglo XXI a un mayor desarrollo

de las denominadas ciencias del aprendizaje. Así, no estará de más recordar que

la investigación cognitiva ha demostrado que el aprendizaje es más eficaz cuando están

presentes cinco características fundamentales:

1. La participación activa del estudiante.

2. El aprendizaje cooperativo.

3. La interacción frecuente con retroalimentación.

4. Las conexiones con el mundo real.

5. El papel del profesor como orquestador de los recursos y referencial para los estudiantes.












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