A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) offers interactive participation and coursework to anyone with Internet access. In addition to video lectures, readings, and quizzes, MOOCs provide discussion areas that build a community for the students, professors, and course staff and everybody who wants to do that.
College Writing 2x is a writing course designed specially for learners of English. It will be offered through, and will be completely free. It will use some of the most advanced tools in online writing instruction. Students will have meaningful ways to practice their writing and get feedback on how well they are doing. Bekerly University.
Aquí un video muy interesante sobre la manía de aprender inglés en el mundo.
I wonder if you are aware of how exceptional and rare is learning foreign languages in a GOOD MOOC course. How could anyone think, 10 years ago, that we would be able to have videoconferences with people from all over the world, with the sole purpose of practising our speaking skills, and for free? Things are changing and we have a wide range of new possibilities nowadays. For instance, Tandem, online chats, lyricstraining for songs...
It would be great if we could share in this thread any alternative and innovative ways of learning languages that you've used or know about. Maybe we can come up with a list of interesting tasks or activities that we can all enjoy. I'm really looking forward to know any other methods or approaches you're using these days to improve your skills (Listening, speaking, writing and reading) and society! Go ahead and tell us!
If you want to know more about MOOCs, see below in OPINIONES, in Spanish.
Me pregunto si realmente sois conscientes de lo excepcional y raro que es aprender un idioma en un BUEN curso MOOC. ¿Quién podía pensar, 10 años atrás, que podríamos mantener videoconferencias con gente de todo el mundo, con el único propósito de practicar nuestra habilidad oral, y además gratis? Las cosas están cambiando y tenemos una gran variedad de nuevas posibilidades hoy en día. Por ejemplo el Tándem, chats online, lyricstraining para las canciones...
Sería fantástico si pudiéramos compartir en esta entrada cualquier manera de aprender idiomas alternativa o innovadora que hayáis usado o conozcáis. Quizás podamos confeccionar una lista de tareas o actividades interesantes que todos podamos disfrutar. Tengo ganas de leer sobre esos métodos o técnicas que usáis hoy en día para mejorar vuestras habilidades lingüísticas (audición, habla, escritura y lectura) y sociedad ¡Adelante, cuéntanos!.
Si quieres conocer algo más sobre MOOCs mira abajo en OPINIONES (In Spanish)
Hola a todo
el mundo:
El próximo
febrero se inaugura la tercera edición de "Español
Salamanca A2". Si no terminaste el curso en la primera edición
o si quieres repasar contenidos puedes aprovechar esta oportunidad.
En la
primera edición miles de inscritos pudieron aprender español con "Español Salamanca A2". Como siempre,
se trata de un curso en línea gratuito y accesible para todo el mundo. ¡Avisa a
tus amigos y familiares!
Recuerda que
podrás disfrutar de un entorno de aprendizaje colaborativo, una miniserie
cómica y multitud de materiales didácticos para mejorar tu español.
Nos vemos
muy pronto en "Español Salamanca A2".
Hello, everybody,
On February we will open the second edition of "Español Salamanca A2". If you did not
finish the course in the first edition or if you want to go over again its
contents you can make the most of this opportunity.
In the first edition many thousands of users could learn Spanish with "Español Salamanca A2". As always, this is a free and online course for everyone. Let your friends and family know!
And remember that you can enjoy a collaborative learning environment, a comic miniseries and lots of educational materials to improve your Spanish.
See you soon at "Español Salamanca A2".
In the first edition many thousands of users could learn Spanish with "Español Salamanca A2". As always, this is a free and online course for everyone. Let your friends and family know!
And remember that you can enjoy a collaborative learning environment, a comic miniseries and lots of educational materials to improve your Spanish.
See you soon at "Español Salamanca A2".
TIP: I recommended it.
A good plaform.
Easy and fast acces.
Clear explanations and videos too.
No directly information to students at the begginging of the course.
Certification is not free, more or less 23 pounds and you know that at the end of the course.
Lack or little of personal orientation.
Don´t know the qualifications of the teachers or people.
A litte grammar.
It is not for begginer students in academic writing.
COURSERA. Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools of the Trade (Fundamental English Writing)
Se puede usar a blog tool, such as Wordpress or Blogger, would also be an appropriate way to keep your writing practice assignments online. You may also choose to use a word processing file or a Google doc to store your writing assignments.
The Writing Centre
Moriset Hall
Room 0036
Ottawa ON Canada
K1N 6N5
No e-mail writing help available
Encontramos cosas tan interesantes como lo siguiente y posteriormente te explica cada parte:
Parts of Speech | Jobs They Perform in Sentences |
Nouns, pronouns | Subjects (the actor/who/what) and Objects (receive the action of the actor) |
Verbs | Verbs (describe the action of the actor) |
Adjectives, adverbs, prepositions | Modifiers (add details and description) |
Conjunctions | Conjunctions (link sentences, words) |
Interjections | Interjections (exclamations) |
Interjections, the last part of speech, express surprise, emotion, or demand attention.
- Amen!
- Wow!
- Hey!
- Absolutely!
- Bless you!
- Ouch!
- Damn!
TIP: I recommended it. The best part of this course is the explanation about Grammar.
It is American English
If you are interested in History SEE HERE
Udemy. Cursos gratis sobre leer y escribir.