Ted. Aubrey de Grey. Research against ageing. Aubrey de Grey, British researcher on aging, claims he has drawn a roadmap to defeat biological aging. He provocatively proposes that the first human beings who will live to 1,000 years old have already been born.
5 Fascinantes Charlas TED sobre el Envejecimiento QMayour. La revista online con ciencia y edad.
En la Tabla 1 se presentan esperanzas de vida (ambos sexos) a diferentes edades, en tres años distintos (2005, 2010 y 2014); se señalan en negrita la vida restante de 15 años o menos en esos tres años. Se observa que la edad prospectiva, el umbral móvil, se va desplazando; en 2014, se sitúa en los 73 años. Estarán incluidos dentro de ese nueva definición de vejez los individuos que tengan 73 y más años, es decir, 15 años o menos de esperanza de vida o vida restante hasta su muerte.

De jubilados a cibernatuas El País, 2014
The 2015 EU Youth Report revealed that young people today are better educated than their predecessors and school completion rates are increasing in the EU. Yet, 8.7 million young people aged 15-29 are unemployed, 13.7 million are not in employment, education or training (NEETs - Young people who are not employed (i.e. unemployed or inactive according to the International Labour Organisation definition) and do not receive any education or training) and close to 27 million are at risk of poverty or exclusion. Marginalisation in the labour market, deterioration of living conditions and decreasing social inclusion and political participation are serious threats to young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, and ultimately Europe as a whole.
Three levels for digitals competences 1. Citizen competences
2. Workers competences and
3. Marker competences
Robotica en el mundod el tra bajo https://actualidad.rt.com/economia/208682-trabajo-sectores-robots-mercado-empleo
What jobs is disapearing? http://www.amazon.com/Rise-Robots-Technology-Threat-Jobless/dp/1480574775
The future of work in advanced economies
The world at work: Jobs, pay, and skills for 3.5 billion people
Global labor markets fall into eight clusters, each distinctly positioned in terms of age profile and educational attainment.
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