
jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2016

MOOCS 2016

October. CoR EU budget and funding for regions and cities


EU budget and funding for regions and cities

CoR - 114001Starts - Oct 31, 2016

Course Schedule

  • Week 1: The role of regions and cities in EU affairs
    In this module, participants will learn about multilevel governance in the EU, the influence of regions and cities on EU policies and the role of the CoR, as well as about the basics of EU regional statistics.
  • Week 2: How the EU budget works
    The objective of this module is to highlight the historical development and legal foundations of the EU budget, how its revenue and expenditure are made up, how different EU programmes are managed and which key issues are discussed with regard to its future in regions and cities.
  • Week 3: Implementation of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)
    In this module, participants will learn more about EU cohesion policy and the way it is managed at regional and local level.
  • Week 4: Urban and regional development projects: Making use of EIB funding and the Investment Plan for Europe
    In this module, participants will gain a better understanding of how cities and regions can make use of the European Investment Bank’s funding and advice to support their development projects. Testimonies of beneficiaries and successful projects will be presented.
  • Week 5: Other EU programmes relevant to regions and cities
    In this module, participants will learn about relevant funding opportunities for regions and cities, including Horizon 2020, the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME), Creative Europe, Europe for Citizens, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) and the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).
  • Week 6: The debate on the mid-term review of the EU budget 2014-2020 and the post-2020 prospects
    In this module, participants will become familiar with the potential consequences, at regional and local level, of the mid-term review of the MFF for the post-2020 period.


Novembre Futurelearn. Exploring the World of English Language Teaching


English and Spanish. 
eLearn Center at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in Barcelona, Spain. 

Tandem MOOC Fecha de inicio: 17 Octubre 2016
Duración: 6 semanas
Precio: Gratuito
Esfuerzo estimado: 3-4 horas semanales
Metodología: Trabajo individual y en parejas
Idiomas: Español / Inglés
Nivel: Intermedio / Avanzado (B1 / B2 / C1)

Topics: happiness

Health. Article. Ten reasons HYGGE Scandinavian lifestyle trend cosy content. + 
2016/10/06 los 10 hábitos de hygge
Acceptance, enjoyment & enthusiasmURL  youtube.com
La balanza de la felicidad. 
The 7 habist of hapiness 

Topics: Week 2 - Taste the world 
Food is much more than being fed. Nowadays food is related to culture, to social relationships, to lifestyle and much more. Food will be the topic that will guide our language learning practice during this second week of the course. Ready? Taste the world!

This is a task about recipes.
1. Watch the video below about the preparation of a traditional dish from Peru named “Ceviche de pescado peruano.” /Youtube)
2. After having watched the video, think of a dish that is significant for you and share it with your classmates.
3. Then send us a contribution (text, audio or video) saying:
  • the name of the dish
  • where it is from
  • its ingredients
  • how to prepare it

A recipe: Arroz con leche or Rice Pudding.
Commonly one thinks that the rice with milk entered Spain centuries ago, during the Moslem occupation of the Iberian Peninsula. This theory stems from the fact from that there are many traditional mixtures of cinnamon and from rice in the Arabic cultures. This original recipe of rice with milk was exported to South America during the Spanish settling and later it spread all over the world.
My recipe has the next ingredients:
1/2 cup rice short grain, I used Iberia Valencian Rice (arroz perla)
1 1/2 cup water
1 piece Lemon Peel
1 stick Cinnamon
1 Liter Milk – I used a can of Carnation Evaporated milk diluted with 2 1/4 cups of water
1 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
g Gound cinnamon
1 box raisins
1. Put in a pot to cook the water, lemon peel and cinnamon stick.
2. Wash the rice and add to the pot and cook until rice is soft and absorbed the water.
3. In a bowl mix the milk, salt and sugar.
4. The rice is added the bowl of mixed milk salt, sugar and the box of raisins.
5. Just let it cook in medium heat until it starts to get thick. Once it thickens stir the rice so it won’t get stuck on the pot.
6. Once you see that it has thicken take of the stove and put in a round cake pan or you can do individual ones for family or guest. Sprinkle some ground cinnamon at your liking.
It is O.K.

Antes de la conversación. Before the conversation

Cuando acabamos el intercambio. When we finish the exchange
Podemos preguntarle a nuestro compañero qué le ha parecido. We can ask our partner about his/her opinion.

La reflexión de tu compañero... Your partner's feedback...
Expresiones que puedes usar para preguntar algo que no has entendido o para aclarar algo cuando no te han entendido. Useful expressions you can use to ask something you did not understand or to clarify something when you are not being understood.

Lo que quiero decir es que...  – Aclarando una duda, 

Es decir...  – Aclarando una duda, 

Perdona, no he entendido esto último que has dicho.  – Pedir aclaración, 
¿Cómo?  – Pedir aclaración, 
¿Qué has dicho?  – Pedir aclaración, 
So   – Clarifying, 
Sorry? I didn't get that.  – Asking for clarification, 
Pardon? I didn't understand.  – Asking for clarification, 
Can you please say that again?  – Asking for clarification, 
Well, what I mean is...  – Clarifying

FEEDBACK What basic words can we use to describe "feedback”?

Before starting your Tandem activity,  is it a good idea to take a moment to speak with your partner about what language aspects you would like him or her to correct (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar...)?Yes, it's a good idea to tell your partner beforehand how you would like to receive feedback.  
¿En qué momentos es posible hacer comentarios sobre aspectos lingüísticos de tu compañero (pronunciación, vocabulario, gramática...)?    
Should you try to correct absolutely every mistake your partner makes?

¿Qué maneras hay de ofrecer comentarios?   Puedes explicar el error durante la conversación, puedes usar el ordenador, o puedes tomar notas y mandárselas a tu compañero. 

greasy adj. grasiento
crunchy adj. crujiente, crocante
sweet adj dulce
sour adj sabor agrio, ácido. Formal: acid 
spicy / hot adj. picante
hearty meal / lunch = comida copiosa. Hearty adj copiosa, abundante
pickled adj preserved in vinegar
fried adj. frito
boiled adj. hervido, cocido, pasado por agua
steamed adj. al vapor (cooked using steam (n. vapor)  
grilled adj. a la parrilla (cooked on a grill)
toasted adj. tostado
sautéed (UK), sauté adj. and n. salteado, sofrito 
cured adj. curado (food: smoked)
baked adj. horneado, asado, cocido (cooked in the oven)


Giving cooking instructions Vocabulary and Phrases
Libro: Afrodita. Isabel Allende.pdf
Gazpacho andaluz 
Travel. Weird restaurants

Cosmopeople (31 October - 6 November)

Globalisation, migration, cohabitation and fusion of cultures; study trips, business trips, cosmopolite citizens and lives with no boundaries. Welcome to this third week in which we will work on different aspects related to mobility. Fasten your seatbelts; we are taking off!

Gratis de inglés para trabajar del British Council no sigue un temario, si no que aborda el programa de forma práctica, como si realmente estuvieses buscando trabajo en idioma inglés. Para realizar el curso, necesitas tener un nivel básico de inglés.

Si estás interesado en realizar el curso gratis de inglés para trabajar, puedes inscribirte a través de la web de Future Learn. Comienza el 31 de octubre. 

Spanish for free. 
1. Universidad de Elche. Cursos gratis. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
La Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche ha publicado un nuevo portal web, UmhX, donde puedes encontrar cursos gratis en español (Moocs) dirigidos a todas aquellas personas que deseen formarse en una de las materias que ofrecen.
Los cursos MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) te permiten mejorar tus conocimientos e incorporar nuevas competencias profesionales para mejorar tu currículum y tener mayores posibilidades a la hora de optar a un puesto de empleo.
La Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH), ofrece cursos gratis en español que puedes realizar de forma online dirigidos a estudiantes de todo el mundo a través deumhX, su plataforma educativa abierta.
UmhX es una plataforma que se basa en edx, un portal web de cursos MOOCs fundado por el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) y la Universidad de Harvard en mayo de 2012.

2. Spanish for beginners Futurelearn from Open University.
Varios en el año. Cuatro semanas. Mirar aquí 

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