
domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015


Personas de edad. 
Este término es elegido por que se utilizó en la Asamblea General, en su resolución 45/106, de 14 de diciembre de 1990, proclamó el 1° de octubre Día Internacional de las Personas de Edad, como seguimiento de iniciativas de las Naciones Unidas tales como el Plan de Acción Internacional de Viena sobre el Envejecimiento, aprobado en la Asamblea Mundial sobre el Envejecimiento celebrada en 1982 y que la Asamblea General hizo suyo ese mismo año (resolución 47/86). “Personas de edad” designa a personas que están no sólo obligadas a tener un papel de subordinadas, marginadas, obligadas a ser seres dependientes, relegadas a papeles secundarios o nulos, vaciadas del propio rol social, y sin autonomía personal si no que en este contexto, los organismos internacionales, buscaban designar un sujeto con menos diferencias con el adulto más joven y, en alguna medida, tratando de aportar nuevos significados asociados a estos términos tales como autonomía, derechos, principios, etc., reivindicando con ello un nuevo status dentro del contexto social actual.

Maybe you have to think about a theorical framework in each country because it is important to think creatively and properly.  Quo vadis elderly generation, traditions, customes, community learning and development, creative free time and leisure, rethinking the global democracy, new idea of culture fro all, etc?   Xavier Prats asegura que “Europa ha perdido la fe en el poder transformador de la educación” (Spanish) = Europe has lost the power faith of transforming the education (English).
The Reference Framework sets out eight key competences have (general speaking):
1) Communication in the mother tongue;
2) Communication in foreign languages;
3) Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology;
4) Digital competence;
5) Learning to learn;
6) Social and civic competences;
7) Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
8. Cultural awareness and expression
See here http://www.alfa-trall.eu/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/EU2007-keyCompetencesL3-brochure.pdf

Adult Education is looking  for internationalisation, nowadays
Seeing bigger picture internationalisation and opening adult education EPALE centre.
Internationalisation of adult education is currently at its height, which brings about potentials and chances for innovations and transnational impulses. Adult educators in this regard also face challenges and are looking for new paths, especially concerning the funding of activities as well as new learning formats through digitalisation. The chances and challenges of this open and internationally laid out dimension of adult education are discussed by the authors in this publication.
This publication is based on the series of events “Der Blick über den Tellerrand - Internationalisierung und Öffnung der Erwachsenenbildung” ("Seeing the bigger picture - Internationalisation and opening of adult education"), which took place in Austria and to which EPALE Austria invited people together with Erasmus+ Adult Education in November and December 2015

Global tendencies in Adult Education.
The International Council for Adult Education, ICAE is a global network with a mandate to advocate for youth and adult learning and education (ALE) as a universal human right.
During the last decade ICAE participated in the main conferences aimed at raising the world’s consciousness on key international issues. ICAE engages in these issues confident in that lifelong learning has the capacity to positively affect many dimensions of poverty, peace, reconciliation as well as conflict prevention.
However there is often lack of recognition of the benefits of education, in particular related with non-formal adult education, when looking at development goals. This is why ICAE considers international and regional spaces of policy and decision-making as the main target for advocacy work. They give us the following resources:

Please click the links to view the resources
1. Supporting materials for advocacy in the post-2015 process: The right to Education and Lifeling Learning, Part VI

2. ICAE and Post-2015: Good practices for advocacy

3. TOWARDS THE WORLD EDUCATION FORUM 2015: EFA Preparatory conferences – Civil society, education and adult education https://educationpost2015icae.wordpress.com
4. ICAE position paper

(...) Adult literacy, skills for life and work and the promotion of lifelong learning opportunities are
integral to the SDG 4 as it has been agreed. Moreover, there is wide recognition of the key role of
youth and adult education to the achievement of all Sustainable Development Goals. However, over
the past two decades, youth and adult literacy rates haven’t increased as expected (...)
. Education 2030: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all

. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (see GOAL 4)

-  Building Learning Societies. Good news from Brussels - New European priorities for education and training 03 September 2015
September is back-to-school time and a good time to focus on improving education systems. The European Commission has begun the new school year by announcing a proposal for renewed priorities for European cooperation in the framework of education and training 2020, for the period 2016-2020 on the basis of mid-term stocktaking.
The draft of a joint report by the Commission and Member States proposes to strengthen European cooperation in the field of education and training in order to address the most urgent challenges of our society. The priorities aim to make sure that education and training systems are designed to improve people’s skills and employment prospects, while at the same time cultivating the fundamental values of equality, non-discrimination and active citizenship.
The six new priorities are:
1. Relevant and high-quality skills and competences for employability, innovation, active citizenship;
2. Inclusive education, equality, non-discrimination, civic competences;
3. Open and innovative education and training, including by fully embracing the digital era;
4. Strong support for educato rs;
5. Transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications; and
6. Sustainable investment, performance and efficiency of education and training systems


Manuel Castell. Cross Cultural Lifelong Learning source

In Spain it is in the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) in the Subdirectorate General of Lifelong Learning has:   
"La participación y colaboración en los programas internacionales de educación de personas adultas, de formación profesional y aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida" = "Participating and collaboration in international educational programmes  for adults, vocational training and lifelong learning."
About European Union by Xavier Prats Monné:

Que la tecnología ha sido un motor de cambio constante en todos los ámbitos de la vida humana es un hecho y, por ende, la educación vive una profunda transformación en todo el mundo. A analizar los retos de futuro de Europa en el ámbito educativo ha dedicado su ponencia, director general de Educación de la Comisión Europea.
Prats ha explicado el impacto que la tecnología ha tenido en la educación, y ha asegurado que la diferencia entre Europa y otras zonas del mundo que han evolucionado notablemente en este ámbito es que en el Viejo Continente "no tenemos confianza en nuestro futuro y hemos perdido la fe en el poder transformador de la educación". Al igual que tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial Europa se recuperó en apenas diez años gracias a una generación de constructores, ahora "hay que reconstruirse de la crisis con una generación de educadores", ha afirmado.
Prats ha evidenciado cómo la tecnología ha modificado y deconstruido la educación tal y como se conocía: "Ha transformado radicalmente no las mentes ni las facultades, sino la manera de enseñar". Así, se ha referido al cambio de roles, por el que los profesores son hoy también investigadores, y de los tiempos y contenidos. "En 2020, la mitad de los cursos universitarios que se impartirán serán una mezcla entre materia online y curso presencial", ha subrayado.
El director general de Educación de la Comisión Europea ha señalado que la complejidad del mundo que vivimos obliga a que la innovación pase por "una cooperación flexible entre individuos e instituciones. La mayoría de los problemas que conocemos hoy no se prestan a ser tratados de manera monodisciplinar ni vertical". Así, considera que hoy en día la verticalidad, el excesivo control y falta de flexibilidad hace perder a las instituciones educativas "el monopolio de la transmisión y certificación del conocimiento".
Como recetas para la mejora de los sistemas educativos y para adecuarlos a la coyuntura del futuro, Prats explica que la evolución pasa por la interdisciplinariedad y el cambio de roles de la universidad, pasando "del control a la supervisión, y dejando el criterio de la excelencia para centrarse en el impacto en la sociedad" que la institución educativa tiene. Para poder alcanzar estos objetivos, ha precisado que "hay que exigirle mucho más a la universidad, pero dejarla mucho más libre en la manera de conseguir lo que se le exige".
Finalmente, ha asumido la incapacidad legislativa de los organismos europeos para modificar el sistema educativo, ya que las competencias son estatales. Eso sí, ha recalcado que "los paises que han entendido cuál es el secreto de su futuro han entendido la importancia del capital humano". UIMP. Agosto, 2015


Existe una entrada en este blog dedicada a los Programas Europeos "Erasmus for all" donde no se incluye el perfil internacional de la nueva generación de programas que se quiere incluir en esta nueva entrada. Si nos interesa saber algo más sobre los antecedentes, podemos leer en Dialnet.unirioja el artículo "Metamorfosis de la política educativa en Europa. De los programas sectoriales al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior de Rubén Arriazu Muñoz, 2011.

Comenzaremos por resaltar la enorme influencia que tiene y tendrá aquella iniciativa europea nacida en 1987 y que se llamo ERASMUS que es el apócrifo de EUREPEAN COMMUNITY ACTION SCHEME FOR THE MOBILITY OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS y que hoy con distintos nombres y programas integran muchas instituciones, países y estudiantes. Ya Jacques Delors y Manuel Marín con La Teoría de los Círculos Concéntricos (La Teoría del Círculo Concéntrico, una de las primeras en sociología, predice que las estructuras sociales urbanas se desarrollan en círculos concéntricos alrededor del centro de una ciudad) soñaban en mejorar la calidad y fortalecer la dimensión europea. Hoy el modelo se está implantando en América.

La UE dedica el 1.3% de su presupuesto al programa y se está pidiendo el 3% por la idea que se puede crear un verdadero espacio educativo como base de cohesión de una Europa que necesita más consolidación.
Fue reconocido por el jurado del Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Cooperación Internacional en 2004, "por ser uno de los programas de intercambio cultural más importante de la historia de la Humanidad", fenómeno no sólo cultural sino social ya que va más allá del mundo universitario como podemos observar en la nueva generación de estos programas que en definitiva supone construir una nueva sociedad que deben hacerlo los jóvenes desde el conocimiento.

Al llegar al mundo laboral es importante que aun siendo profesionales de alta cualificación (nivel 3) se mentalicen a través de este proyecto que el concepto "lifelong learning" es algo indispensable en el mundo moderno, ya que, al contrario que ocurría hasta épocas recientes donde los conocimientos tenían una duración casi ilimitada, estable y duradera, actualmente las cosas han cambiado y muchos de los conocimientos adquiridos en centros de formación profesional o universidades se quedan obsoletos incluso en un lustro debido fundamentalmente al veloz avance tecnológico, por lo cual deben ser periódicamente actualizados y adecuados a los nuevos puestos de trabajo. Junto a esta actualización y adecuación, y precisamente para favorecerla, hay que procurar el fomento de formaciones lo más flexibles, abiertas y polivalentes posible con el fin de que nuestros jóvenes puedan adaptarse con mayor facilidad al cambio continuo de puestos de trabajo que se les va a presentar en el mercado laboral. CEDEFOP

Peliculas realizanadas: LÁuberge espagnole, Piso compartido, Aquel año Erasmus.
Social progress imperative. Performance countries.  

Europa. Volunteering opportunity list

Alliance network.eu A LA QUE PERTENCE Amicita
The Alliance is a European based International Non Governmental Youth Organisation, officially registered in Denmark since 2005. Our objectives:
  • To provide voluntary service organisations with opportunities to discuss and exchange experience and information within Europe.
  • To facilitate and improve the co-operation between voluntary service organisations.
  • To look after the interests of its members through exercising influence on international bodies involved in voluntary service, youth policy, youth training and youth exchange, as an initiative for the furtherance of youth exchange and voluntary service.
  • To inform members about debates and developments at a European and non-European level which are of relevance to the members.
  • The Alliance aims at the widest possible co-operation at a European and a non-European level.
  • The EC ensures that the functioning of the Alliance is in accordance with the common interest of its members.

The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, known as IEA, is an independent, international consortium of national research institutions and governmental research agencies, with headquarters in Amsterdam.

Its primary purpose is to conduct large-scale comparative studies of educational achievement with the aim of gaining more in-depth understanding of the effects of policies and practices within and across systems of education.
 Investiga las maneras en que los jóvenes son preparados para llevar a cabo sus roles como ciudadanos y más cosas.
It investigates the ways in which young people are prepared to undertake their roles as citizens. ICCS reports on students’ knowledge and understanding of concepts and issues related to civics and citizenship, as well as their value beliefs, at­titudes, and behaviors.

In addition, ICCS collects and analyzes a rich array of contextual data from policy makers, teachers, school principals, and the students themselves about the organi­zation and content of civic and citizenship education in the curriculum, teacher qualifications and experiences, school environment and climate, and home and com­munity support.
ICCS 2016 will allow countries to:
  • Investigate the ways in which young people are prepared for citizenship, providing internationally comparable indicators of civic knowledge and engagement to inform policies and practices.
  • Monitor changes in students’ civic knowledge and engagement over time (for countries that participated in the previous cycle).
  • Follow new challenges in civic and citizenship education, to improve countries’ understanding of issues such as students’ role in the peaceful functioning of school communities, how to help students become effective participants in the complex world of economics, and the role of new social media in students’ civic engagement.
  • Explore specific topics of common interest, through the establishment of optional regional instruments

The ICAE Academy of Lifelong Learning Advocacy (IALLA) is an international residential course held for the first time in 2004, in Norway. Since then, a total of 8 editions have taken place in Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Arab Region; in 2012 the first advanced, second stage IALLA was held. Until now, there are more than 200 IALLA graduates from all regions of the world.

This training course is rooted in a fusion of popular education and folkbildning, with a very innovative aspect: it is a unique learning and cultural translation space. A place where participants learn from the knowledge of their peers, from cultural differences, and they also learn to “think out of the box” and to change the narrow minded vision of seeing everything through the lens of one’s culture, believing that one’s country or region is the centre of the universe. Each course becomes an unforgettable experience for people, at personal and academic level, creating, each time, a new and different group of passionate people. That is what makes IALLA so unique; results go beyond learning to do advocacy for the right to education, participants take with them shared experience that will increase their self-confidence.



Using Your Badges

At the end of most some sessions of a course you've been awarded a badge.
But what is the point?  What is a badge?  What can you do with it?
That's what this session is for.  You will learn:
  • What Mozilla OpenBadges are. See Mark Surman
  • How to make use of OpenBadges
So what is an OpenBadge?  Why would you want one?  Why is it better than a certificate?

Badges are certification and I hope, in the future, will be recognised internationally.

Mozilla have a number of projects in the present internationally and organisations like IBM and NASA are using them to certify their courses.

A super badge is just a badge that covers more than one session. Normally you get a super badge in addition to other badges. So if in Module 1 you complete sessions a, b & c and get a badge for each, you might get a super badge for the module as well. In our case the super badge is for a module in isolation rather than in addition to smaller badges.

Sign Up for open badges
You need somewhere to store your badges.  Mozilla call this a "backpack".
Follow these instructions to sign up for Mozilla OpenBadges.
Please read all the instructions before you click.
This creates a "Mozilla Persona", which is a universal login that you can use on various websites.  You'll notice you've now moved to the persona website so
So, let's imagine you didn't read that "NOTE" above, even though we put it in Bold and Italics, and have signed up for Mozilla using a different email address.  Don't worry!  There's a way out!  You can add multiple email addresses!
Even if you did read the note, you might want to add more email addresses (for example your work / personal email).  So, here's how:

Badges. Issuers


Wikipedia URL Wikipedia entry on Mozilla OpenBadges

Jisc URL The Jisc page on "What are OpenBadges"

Who's using OpenBadges URL A page by Mozilla on some of the people using and designing badges

Badges for Lifelong Learning URL Descriptions and details of winners of an international competition for those using badges in lifelong learning.

We don't need no badges! Page A little bit of fun....


LEARNING RESOURCES IALLA AEpro. Internatinal courses.
The ICAE Academy of Lifelong Learning Advocacy (IALLA) is an international residential course held for the first time in 2004, in Norway. Since then, a total of 8 editions have taken place in Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Arab Region; in 2012 the first advanced, second stage IALLA was held. Until now, there are more than 200 IALLA graduates from all regions of the world.
This training course is rooted in a fusion of popular education and folkbildning, with a very innovative aspect: it is a unique learning and cultural translation space. A place where participants learn from the knowledge of their peers, from cultural differences, and they also learn to “think out of the box” and to change the narrow minded vision of seeing everything through the lens of one’s culture, believing that one’s country or region is the centre of the universe. Each course becomes an unforgettable experience for people, at personal and academic level, creating, each time, a new and different group of passionate people. That is what makes IALLA so unique; results go beyond learning to do advocacy for the right to education, participants take with them shared experience that will increase their self-confidence
    Civil Society & Lifelong Learning

EUCIS-LLL: Audrey Frith, Director
The European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (EUCIS-LLL) promotes European-wide cooperation among civil society organisations. It is made up of 36 European networks active in education and training in order to build a citizen’s voice on lifelong learning issues and to propose concrete solutions based on the expertise, the competencies and the experience of its networks’ experts and practitioners. EUCIS-LLLs main aims are pursuing an active dialogue with European institutions; and enabling exchanges of best practice, experiences and expertise in the field of lifelong learning.

The European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (EUCIS-LLL) is an umbrella association that gathers 36 European organisations active in the field of education and training, coming from all EU Member States and beyond. Currently these networks represent more than 45,000 educational institutions (schools, universities, adult education and youth centres, etc) or associations (involving students, teachers and trainers, parents, HRD professionals, etc) covering all sectors of formal, non-formal and informal learning. Their members reach out to several millions of beneficiaries.
You will find a lot of information on EUCIS-LLL's webpage. In particular, have a look at their "Positions" and "Resources".
EUCIS-LLL also published a Manifesto in 2014: http://www.eucis-lll.eu/action/campaigns/eucis-lll-manifesto-building-together-the-future-of-learning/.
Click http://www.eucis-lll.eu/ link to open resource
OBESSU: Giuseppina Tucci, Board member
The Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions is the platform for cooperation between the national school student unions active in general secondary and secondary vocational education in Europe. OBESSU's main aims are to represent school students as stakeholders of their educational systems, and in issues concerning their lives; to provide the national school student unions with assistance and support and to co-operate for the development of school student representative structures; and to encourage and enable exchange of experience and good practice among the national school students' unions.

It was founded in April 1975 in Dublin, Ireland and brings together Member and Candidate Organisations from all over Europe. All Member Organisations are independent, national, representative and democratic school student organisations.
Click http://www.obessu.org link to open resource

European Youth Forum: Laura Lopez-Bech, Policy Officer
The European Youth Forum (YFJ) is the platform of youth organisations in Europe and represents 99 youth organisations, both National Youth Councils and International Non-Governmental Youth Organisations. The Youth Forum brings together tens of millions of young people from all over Europe, organised in order to represent their common interests. The Youth Forum works to empower young people to participate actively in society to improve their own lives by representing and advocating their needs and interest and those of their organisations. The main aims of the YFJ are to increase youth participation, to strengthen youth organizations and to increase youth autonomy and inclusion.

Click http://www.youthforum.org link to open resource.

ETUCE: Louise Høj Larsen, Programme Officer
The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) is the teachers' social partner at a European level and a defender of teachers' interests to the European Commission. ETUCE is composed of national trade unions of teachers and other staff in general education - early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, vocational education and training as well as higher education and research. ETUCE's main aims are to promote an implement the aims of Education International (EI) in the European Region; to advise the EI Executive Board on policies and activities; and to promote the development of strong independent and democratic education unions throughout the European Region.

Arguments in favour of adult education


The OECD Survey of Adult Skills is an international survey carried out in 33 countries as part of the PIAAC – Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies. EAEA follows up the results with various activities and events.
In the framework of PIAAC, the OECD collects and analyses data that assist governments in assessing, monitoring and analysing the level and distribution of skills among adults. The OECD Survey of Adult Skills measures the key workplace and cognitive skills needed for individuals to participate successfully in society and for economies.
The evidence from the survey helps countries understand how education and training systems can nurture these skills. Policy makers, educators and labour economists will use this information to develop economic, education and social policies that will continue to enhance the skills of adults.
The first results of the survey were released on 8 October 2013.

EAEA Articles on PIAAC

EAEA has analyzed PIAAC results during autumn 2013. The analysis reports and statements are published here.

Other EAEA resources

OECD resources

OECD Skills Outlook 2013 – First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills

2. The BeLL Study

The Benefits of Lifelong Learning (BeLL) study investigated the benefits to learners of participation in organised non-formal, non-vocational, voluntary adult education (hereafter “liberal adult education”) in Europe. Funded by the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme (“Studies and Comparative Research, KA1”), the BeLL study was carried out by a consortium of partner organisations from nine Member States plus Serbia as a tenth associated partner. The project ran from 1 November 2011 to 31 January 2014.
The main purpose of the BeLL study was to investigate the individual and social benefits perceived by adult learners who participated in liberal adult education courses.
Click http://www.bell-project.eu/cms/ link to open resource

3. Awareness Raising for Adult Learning and Education


The ARALE Project aimed to collect awareness raising and advocacy activities for adult education in Europe directed at the general public, at specific target groups and at policy-makers. It took place in 2013.


The main objectives of the project are to create:
  • A coherent summary and of campaigns across Europe, which increases the knowledge about adult education Incentive and expertise for the adult education community to initiate more campaigns
  • A stronger support for the European agenda on adult learning through the application of advocacy campaigns
  • Further tools to improve people´s participation in lifelong learning, which means an increase in the lifelong learning benchmark through campaigns directed at the general public



The project results are:
Click http://www.eaea.org/en/projects/eaea-coordinated-projects/completed-projects/arale.html link to open resource

See here
Education and Culture Executive agency - EACEA
The agency manages European funding opportunities and networks in the fields of education and training, audiovisual, culture, citizenship and youth.
Research Executive Agency - REA

The agency provides support and funding for EU research programmes.
European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT)

EU body promoting excellence in innovation
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - CEDEFOP

The centre supports development of European Vocational Education and Training policies and contributes to their implementation.
European Training Foundation - ETF

EU agency that helps transition and developing countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems in the context of the EU's external relations policy.


Information network on education in Europe – EURYDICE

The Eurydice network supports and facilitates European cooperation in the field of lifelong learning.
Centre for research on lifelong learning – CRELL

CRELL brings together researchers to build a comprehensive and coherent evaluation framework for education and training in Europe, to guide policy-makers towards increased effectiveness, efficiency and equity in national systems. Publication. Skills social outcomes piaacfinal version_pubsy.pdf
Network of Experts on Social aspects of Education and Training - NESET

NESET is an independent network of researchers working on social aspects of education and training. It supports the Commission in analysing education policies and reforms.
Economics of education networks - EENEE

The network advises and supports the Commission in the analysis of education policies and reforms and of their implications for future policy development at national and European level.

NACIONES UNIDAS AND my world global survey, 2015
   An inclusive society for all
Our society devalues old and medium age in many ways.  We can read the new Erasmus + programmes, for example, how the individual people and over 30 are putting out of those ways. The last programmes, Erasmus, didn´t it. People in his personal way could apply fro these kind of programmes but know it doesn't happen.  The modern society values youth and devalues "old age" and inside this woman more than men.

Mid-life Career Review (see Comparing ... in this blog)

The Mid Life Career Review was a 2014 NIACE project that produced a tool suitable for allowing adults to re-assess their career prospects "mid life".
The tool became important in a number of different ways:

  • It could be an important tool for adults who were made redundant from work
  • It could be an important tool for people wondering whether to change careers or what route would serve them best
  • It could be an important tool for offenders upon release from prison to consider what route they could take in light of their previous offence.

  • This session will explore how mid-life career reviews could contribute to the (UK) Government’s extending working lives agenda. Are there similar agendas across Europe? The Mid-life Career Review Pilot Programme included reviews for over 3,000 people mostly aged between 45 and 64. They covered employment, training and health issues and were designed for those out of work, facing redundancy, wanting to adapt to a new way of working (part-time or self-employed) or for those wanting to stay in the job they have. Four-fifths of surveyed advisers said their clients had improved confidence or motivation to explore career options and make changes, following the review.
    At the end of this session, participants will have:
    • An increased understanding of the Mid-life Career Review project.
    • Learnt from the practical experiences of adult education colleagues across Europe.
    • An increased awareness of the learning and policy messages from the Mid-life Career Review project.
    • Shared information through discussion, questions, and networking
Look at the toolkit website in the resources.
Locate a resource in your language or for your country that could help older people re-evaluate their career.  It could be a website, a scan from a guide or something you have produced yourself.  Upload it / a link to it and reflect on it's effectiveness and whether there is an issue with the older workforce in your country.
If you cannot find or develop a resource, instead reflect on why there is no resource you can easily find or make - and what could be done.
You are required to make one post and one reply to complete this

http://www.xtlearn.net/p/mlcr This site provides tools to help advisors and learners evaluate their career routes and graphic here

Evaluation report. July, 2015
Published by the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (England and Wales, not Scotland)How trade union representatives could use the Mid Life Career Review tool http://issuu.com/ 


The International Council for Adult Education, ICAE is a global network with a mandate to advocate for youth and adult learning and education (ALE) as a universal human right.
During the last decade ICAE participated in the main conferences aimed at raising the world’s consciousness on key international issues. ICAE engages in these issues confident in that lifelong learning has the capacity to positively affect many dimensions of poverty, peace, reconciliation as well as conflict prevention.
However there is often lack of recognition of the benefits of education, in particular related with non-formal adult education, when looking at development goals. This is why ICAE considers international and regional spaces of policy and decision-making as the main target for advocacy work.

Adult Education holds in the main global processes:
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that come in place of the Millennium Development Goals after 2015.
  • Education For All (EFA)

  •  1. Supporting materials for advocacy in the post-2015 process: The right to Education and Lifelong Learning, Part VI URL
  •  4. ICAE position paper URL

    1. Others: .

  • Education 2030: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all
  • Know your Lifestyle - Introducing Sustainable Consumption in Second Chance Education

    Global Learning works with participatory and interactive learning methods which are useful not only to generally raise awareness regarding sustainability and daily life opportunities for individual responsible action, but also to change the attitudes of students in Second Chance Education towards education and society. Excluded from the formal education system, often having a difficult social background and showing difficulties to accustom themselves to a new learning environment, learning on sustainable consumption offers these young adults a chance to participate again and to get (back) a feeling of having opportunities to be an active part of society.
    With the project 'Know your Lifestyle' four European AE associations developed - in cooperation with NGOs engaged in Development Education and teachers - toolkits to approach this particular target group.
    The ‘Know your Lifestyle’ project coordinator, assisted by project partners from Estonia and Slovenia.e-mail: poos@dvv-international.de with the project 'Know your Lifestyle' four European AE associations developed - in cooperation with NGOs engaged in Development Education and teachers - toolkits to approach this particular target group.
    EN: http://www.knowyourlifestyle.eu/images/uploads/kyl_2_water_english.pdf
    EN: http://www.knowyourlifestyle.eu/images/uploads/kyl_4_sustainable_energy_english.pdf
    EN: http://www.knowyourlifestyle.eu/images/uploads/kyl_5_human_energy_english.pdf

    Here is a list of the working fields EAEA's members (European Association for Adult Education) are involved in. The categories are as follows:
    • Training/classes
    • Teacher’s Training
    • Basic Skills/Literacy
    • Civil Dialogue/ Intercultural Dialogue/Active Citizenship
    • Policy/Advocacy
    • Development and Cooperation
    • Research
    • Youth

    BLOGS https://efareport.wordpress.com/2015/05/28/warm-words-weak-outcomes-are-we-about-to-fail-adults-a-second-time/#comment-11047

    SEMINARIO: Global citizen education
    Concepto. English and Spanish.
    La educación para la ciudadanía mundial (ECM) es uno de los tres pilares de la Iniciativa Mundial “La educación ante todo” (Global Education First Initiative - GEFI) de las Naciones Unidas,1 promovida a nivel internacional gracias al apoyo y la labor de la UNESCO. Los objetivos y las aspiraciones son muy ambiciosos:
    “La educación para la ciudadanía mundial (ECM) se propone dotar a los educandos de todas las edades de los valores, los conocimientos y las competencias basados en los derechos humanos, la justicia social, la diversidad, la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres y la sostenibilidad ambiental
    que inculcan el respeto por estos valores y brindan a los educandos los medios para ser ciudadanos del mundo responsables. Este tipo de educación otorga a los educandos las competencias y las oportunidades para ejercer sus derechos y obligaciones a fin de promover un mundo y un futuro mejores para todos.
    La ECM se relaciona estrechamente con otras muchas esferas, como la educación en derechos humanos, la educación para la paz y la educación para el entendimiento internacional, y coincide con los objetivos de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible (EDS)”.2
    SPANISH: NUEVO CONCEPTO DE EDUCACIÓN DE ADULTOS Y EDUCACIÓN A LO LARGO DE TODA LA VIDA. (...) Durante décadas, el aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida ha estado íntimamente asociado a la educación de adultos. El aprendizaje de por vida como paradigma se concentra principalmente en el desarrollo individual y en el crecimiento personal, incluidos el mejoramiento de la salud y del nivel de bienestar. Vincula explícitamente el aprendizaje con la ampliación de las aptitudes laborales necesarias para aprestar o mejorar las capacidades de los adultos para el empleo y la innovación ante las exigencias tecnológicas y digitales siempre cambiantes de una sociedad del conocimiento, y para competir en una economía mundial. Asimismo, este concepto puede englobar, en menor medida, “los planteamientos centrales de la socialización, la participación y la integración política de las sociedades civiles y la gobernanza democrática, incluidos los desafíos que plantean la inmigración, el multiculturalismo y la acción afirmativa” (Torres 2013a: 9). Este enfoque de la educación de adultos tiende a valorar el desarrollo individual de aptitudes para la sociedad del conocimiento. Generalmente se ha pasado por alto la adopción de un enfoque educativo participativo que se centre en el individuo como decisor interconectado con una comunidad local y mundial más amplia en lo relativo a las virtudes del medio ambiente y la diversidad cultural. En un enfoque de la educación de adultos basado en la educación para la ciudadanía mundial se entrecruzan el desarrollo individual como proceso participativo con el desarrollo sostenible y la educación para la paz fomentados por un modelo de patrimonio mundial. DVV International. Educacion de adultos y desarrollo
    ENGLISH: (...) For decades, lifelong learning has been deeply connected to adult education. Lifelong learning as a paradigm focuses primarily on individual development and personal growth, including improved health and wellbeing. It links learning explicitly to the expansion of labour skills necessary to prepare
or enhance abilities of adults for employment and innovation within the ever-changing technological and digital demands
of a knowledge society and to compete in a global economy. In addition this concept can to a lesser extent also address “the core of political socialisation, participation and integration of civil societies and democratic governance, including the
challenges of immigration, multiculturalism and af firmative action” (Torres 2013a: 9). This approach to adult education tends to value individual development of skills for the knowledge society. A participatory educational approach focusing on the individual as a decision maker interconnected to a wider local and global community concerning vir tues of the environment and cultural diversity is greatly overlooked. A global citizenship education approach to adult education intersects individual development as a participatory process with sustainable development and peace education fostered by a model of global commons DVV international. Adult education and development. GLOBAL Citizenship. Education
    Cada año se realiza uno basado en la revista publicada por la DVV internacional en cooperación con el ICAE (Consejo Mundial de educación de adultos/as) que se llama Adult Education and Development - AE+D
    Este año tratara sobre educación para la ciudadania global, y tiene como base del seminario algunos artículos seleccionados de la revista  ( https://www.dvv-international.de/es/educacion-de-adultos-y-desarrollo/ediciones/ead-822015-la-educacion-para-la-ciudadania-mundial/ ) el intercambio/seminario virtual sera en inglés, pero se recibirán comentarios en español y francés y se traducirán por otras personas de Montevideo  al inglés para incluirlos en el intercambio. 
    Funciona con una e-list especial y moderada por personas de Montevideo (Cecilia es la responsable) de forma que no se ingresen demasiados mensajes en un día, y poder ir ordenando la marcha del intercambio, es por tanto via email, ya que en algunas regiones no es fácil el acceso a internet.
    Los artículos serán los siguientes:

    ICAE Seminario virtual 2016 : Global Citizenship Education 

    El próximo seminario virtual, que estará dedicado a la educación para la ciudadanía mundial. Los siguientes artículos de este número de la revista serán los puntos de partida del seminario:
    Qué hacer y qué evitar en la educación para la ciudadanía mundial
    Por Alberto Torres y Jason Nunzio Dorio, EE UU
    Por Amy Skinner, Bélgica
    De Half-Die a la mitad del mundo
    Por Kadijatou Jallow Baldeh, Gambia

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