
viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016


PROJECTS - illetarate 
Voicesinpictures.eu/vippicturesdatabank.html From the very beginning the “Voices in Pictures” project was designed to include a strong multicultural dimension that would be seen in pictures taken by partner organisations and used in language and cross-cultural tasks/ activities. One of our aims was to raise learners´ awareness of their European common identity and at the same time show them the advantages of having specific identities and traits. We believe that by doing so we have laid the foundation for an improved intercultural tolerance and a more effective understanding of stereotypes.

KALUNBA in Hungarian - migrants   

Unicef.org.uk. Documents Education. Documents refugee resource in search of safety complete teaching pack.pdf

 COMISIÓN EUROPEA (encargado del día a día, supervisar las leyes y tratados) , CONSEJO DE LA UNIÓN EUROPEA (ministros de los gobiernos) Y CONSEJO EUROPEO (jefes de estado)


Educación Formal
El Sepie (Servicio Internacional para la Participación en Educación) en transversalidad:
Explora y actúa por los Derechos Humanos  charter-for-all
 Educación para la ciudadanía democrática y los Derechos Humanos
Explora y actúa por los Derechos Humanos
Formación de los profesionales de la educación (Pestalozzi) Andrés Ajo Lázaro Director de la Unidad de Educación Escolar y de Personas Adultas, Programa Pestalozzi y promoción de Lenguas Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación, SEPIE
 Política Lingüística
Enseñanza de la Historia
 Conferencia Permanente de los Ministro de Educación

Educación no formal.   
Youth in Action Programme areas: personal development, employability and active Citizens. 
1. informal meeting in cafes, on the streets
2. long-term membership of a youth organisation
3. youth wings of political parties
4. one-off environmental projects
5. sports clubs
6. attending a youth club
7. activism concerning a particular „hot“ topic
8. after-school clubs
9. youth exchanges here
For more details about recognition of non-formal learning and European developments, have a look at the two following chapters: A3: “Hitchhiker’s guide to recognition in the youth field A4: “You hold the keys to Lifelong Learning”

YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAMMES. Volunteering: Agencia Nacional Española del Programa del Programa Juventud en Acción here
Servicio Voluntario Internacional (SVE) formacion sve

0. PROYECTO Movilidad por motivos de aprendizaje. Accion clave 1: Servicio Voluntario Europeo. Te ayudamos con tu proyecto en tres pasos. 
La información que encontrarás a continuación te será de gran utilidad para aclarar tus dudas iniciales, pero no olvides consultar la GUÍA DEL PROGRAMA 2016 para obtener toda la información necesaria.

1. ACREDITACIÓN de la organización y APUNTARSE OTLAS es una herramienta online para organizaciones en el ámbito de la juventud. En ella pueden registrar sus datos de contacto y ámbitos de interés, así como sus peticiones de socios/interlocutores para ideas de proyectos. 

Organizaciones participantes: (presentan y gestionan los proyectos en representación de los participantes). Las organizaciones deben disponer de una acreditación. La acreditación sirve para obtener acceso al SVE y asegurar que los principios mínimos de calidad del SVE se cumplen. Esos principios están recogidos y publicados en una guía publicada en la página Web de la comisión europea.
Para acreditarse, la organización debe enviar un formulario de acreditación a los organismos responsables, indicando si se acredita como organización de envío, acogida y/o coordinadora.
La solicitud se puede enviar en cualquier momento, no existe fecha límite, no obstante, recomendamos realizarlo como mínimo 6 semanas antes de la fecha de actividad del proyecto, para que no se rechace el proyecto por falta de acreditación.
La acreditación de las organizaciones de SVE se realiza a través de: Agencia Nacional y el INJUVE 

2. SOCIOS. Buscar en la base de datos Youth volunteering. Evs organisation. Accreditation typeThis lists the organisations accredited to run projects under European Voluntary Service - part of the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.
We recommend that you first use the database of volunteering projects to find projects that you might be interested in. However, if you cannot find suitable projects and want to contact an accredited EVS organisation, use the filter options on the left of the screen to find organisations that might have volunteering projects that you are interested in. Then click on the organisation to see more information about them.
You can contact individual organisations to say you're interested in volunteering with them - but please bear in mind that some of those listed may not currently have a project looking for new volunteers. Some organisations' contact details may not be displayed, if they don't have any EVS projects at the moment. To find out more, go to European Voluntary Service
En español acciones voluntariado europeo Existe una base de datos en la que se puede encontrar todas las organizaciones acreditadas, ya sean coordinadoras, de envío o acogida: http://europa.eu/youth/evs_database
Para facilitar a los socios la búsqueda de proyectos y asociaciones acreditadas, existe una base de datos de las organizaciones que participan en SVE, que se puede consultar en  el Portal Europeo de la Juventud
3. Registro here youthpass.eu y Certificados Todos los participantes en proyectos aprobados por los programas Erasmus+: Juventud en Acción y Juventud en Acción tienen derecho a obtener el reconocimiento de su participación y aprendizaje en los proyectos. El certificado Youthpass es un instrumento desarrollado para esta finalidad. youthpass.eu/es

                                           ERASMUS PLUS RESOURCES The Erasmus+ Programme Guide (version 2 of 07/01/2016, incorporating the corrigendum of 15/12) is an integral part of the 2016 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals and itscorrigendum, published on 22/10/2015.
What is that? SALTO-YOUTH stands for
Support and
Learning and
within the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme
The 8 SALTO Resource Centres are each based in a different E+ YiA National Agency

The Erasmus+ Programme Guide in your language, you can find it Here:http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources… - but remember, for youth projects, you mainly need pages 75 to 88.
Also check with your National Agency, they often have 'easier to understand' guides/manuals (in your language) that show how to make a project step-by-step.

All the SALTO Inclusion booklets are available at www.salto-youth.net/InclusionForAll/ - download them in pdf (less heavy to carry than the paper version) A series of practical manuals to support (international) Inclusion Projects for socially excluded young people, based on the SALTO Inclusion training courses to make the methods & resources available to ALL.
List of manuals: 

How to find a parnet: 
OTLAS partner finding database www.SALTO-YOUTH.net/otlas/
Database of accredited EVS organisations https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/evs-organisation_en
PS Don’t date a complete stranger!  Get to know them at a Partner Building Seminar or Training Course www.SALTO-YOUTH.net/training/
Umbrella organisations  
Inspiration for projects:

 SALTO inspirational youth project database www.SALTO-YOUTH.net/GoodPractices/
European project results (all sectors) http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/
Toolbox for training and youth work www.SALTO-YOUTH.net/Toolbox/
SALTO youth work manuals www.SALTO-YOUTH.net/InclusionForAll /hopscotchevs/ (Intro to EVS)
/cherry-on-the-cake/ (youth exchanges)

Contact you NA.
Each NA has an Inclusion Officer https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/contact_en + national offer
There is a European Inclusion Strategy www.SALTO-YOUTH.net/InclusionStrategy
Programme guide in your language https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources_en + national publications

Assessor guide: this is what assessors will be looking for www.erasmusplus.org.uk/news/2016-assessor%E2%80%99s-guide-published
Recognition for young people. 
Youthpass: every young person has the right to a Youthpass – but it is more than a certificate, it is about awareness of learning www.youthpass.eu
How to get started: Youthpass Unfolded www.youthpass.eu/en/youthpass/downloads/handbooks/

Making Waves – more visibility and impact www.SALTO-YOUTH.net/MakingWaves

It is more than Erasmus Youth
Erasmus+ also funds vocational training, adult education, school exchange, etc. ttps://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/contact_en
Other funding, scholarships, internships https://eurodesk.eu/programmes/grants

International umbrella youth organisations www.youthforum.org/about/member-organisations/

YOUHTPASS Youthpass about process A way to recognize the no formal learning process

Database: TIMETOMOVE BY Eurodesk. EU is Eurodesk + lastminute offers by Eurodesk +  European Youth Portal 
Studying volunteering + internships + travelling


There are two documents that can be filled in by European citizens, namely
 1. the Europass CV and 
2. the Europass language passport. 
There are three other documents that are standardised and based on learning outcomes. They are issued by educational institutions, namely 
1. the diploma supplement issued by higher education institutions, 
2. the certificate supplement that accompanies VET qualifications and 
3. the Mobility Document that can be completed by relevant home and host organisations. 

The Europass initiative is governed by DG EMPL of the European Commission, Cedefop, which is responsible for the website and provides expertise for development and implementation, and finally the EACEA which coordinates and manages the operating subsidies and monitors the National Europass Centres. p. 10

(...) The Europass tool is currently mainly used by young people with high levels of education, the “low-hanging fruit”. However, more disadvantaged groups with lower levels of educational attainment, older people, those long-term unemployed and recently arrived migrants often do not know the Europass and consequently cannot benefit from the tool to record their skills. In order to improve this situation, Europass should be promoted at national and local level through public employment services, career guidance centres and similar structures. There is a need to convince those actors to use Europass. At European level, a one-stop-shop that integrates a wider set of European tools and services in the area of skills and qualifications (e.g. a tool for self-assessment of entrepreneurship) may also help to further promote and facilitate the use of Europass, similarly to an increased collaboration between the different contact points for those initiatives at national level. p 11


Programmes Erasmus plus. Resources

Programmes Erasmus plus/projects

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