Cristina pudo enseñar español en este colegio por la convocatoria del Mecd. Profesores visitantes para Canadá, USA y Reino Unido.
Ella me explicó lo que seguidamente escribo:
Una escuela en U.S.
Una escuela charter (charter school) es un tipo una escuela pública de los Estados Unidos. Una escuela charter tiene una carta con las autoridades estatales de educación. En comparación con las escuelas públicas de los distritos escolares, las escuelas charter tienen menos regulaciones.
In the US, a school that is paid for with public money but is organized by a private group for a special purpose and admits only students who meet its standards.
He buscado la definición y me quedo con esta opinión:
"Soy de los EEUU pero vivo en España y sé mucho sobre las "charter schools." En mi investigación siempre he leído "escuela pública experimental" y creo que es lo mas correcto. También si, por ejemplo, se lo busca en google, se encontrará información sobre "escuelas charter." A veces no se traduce "charter" porqué es una palabra única y se refiere a un movimiento/proceso de creación estadounidense en lo cual que cambió el sistema educativo dramaticamente. Si lo traduces puede que pierdas el contexto social. En fin, yo diría "escuela charter" o "escuela pública experimental."
More here
And here and here
Ideario del colegio. Destacamos la enseñanza individualizada basada en la colaboración en un medio ambiente de aprendizaje experimental en un modelo que aspira a los estudiantes, al equipo y a la facultad o universidad usando una global perspectiva para enseñar sobre las interconexiones de las comunidades y sus ambientes. El programa educa en el mutuo respeto, la responsabilidad cívica y el amor por el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida.
Este libro es su base teórica:
This book was a team effort. I got valuable critique along the way from BIE colleagues Bob Lenz, John Mergendoller, Cris Waldfogel, Sarah Field, Rhonda Hill, Sarah Shannon, Meg Parry, Liam Bayer, and Donna Burk. A special shout-out to Catherine Meharchand, a non-educator parent at BIE who was always willing to provide advice from that perspective – and detailed and helpful editing of my writing to boot!
Outside of BIE, I appreciated the feedback from Aaron Brengard, principal of Katherine Smith School and member of the BIE National Faculty; Susan Schilling, former BIE board chair; and Bob Pearlman, 21st century learning consultant and long-time PBL advocate.
John Larmer is Editor in Chief at the Buck Institute for Education, having also served as Director of Product Development and Associate Director since joining BIE in 2001.
Bob Pearlman considerado un líder en la implementación y desarrollo de escuelas del siglo XXI
George Lucas Fundación tiene videos bajo el nombre de donde podemos ver vídeos sobre Project-based Learning. Edutopia. Topics
Vídeos de aprendizaje por proyectos project-based-learning
Evaluación: competency-based-learning-developing-mastery-skills-and-content
Usando la rueda DOK (Depth of Knowledge Levels) "Los niveles del pensamiento de Norman Webb" basado en los objetivos de Bloom
El Dr. Norman Webb, especialista en el área de evaluación, junto con otros profesionales describió cuatro niveles de profundidad de conocimiento (DOK, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta forma de clasificar el aprendizaje por niveles de profundidad de conocimiento considera lo que es capaz de hacer el estudiante con el conocimiento que aprende con profundidad y además integra los niveles de
pensamiento de Bloom; memoria, comprensión, aplicación, análisis, síntesis, evaluación y creatividad. Estos niveles de conocimiento son:
Nivel I: Pensamiento Memorístico (demuestra conocimiento en forma igual o casi igual a como lo aprendido).
Nivel II: Pensamiento de Procesamiento (demuestra conocimiento que requiere algún razonamiento mental básico de ideas, conceptos y destrezas, más allá de la memoria).
Nivel III: Pensamiento Estratégico (demuestra conocimiento basado en demanda cognoscitiva compleja y abstracta).
Nivel IV: Pensamiento Extendido (extiende su conocimiento a contextos más amplios).
![Ver imagen de origen Resultado de imagen de Norman Webb’s](
Sidwell Friends School
Sidwell Friends School is a highly selective Quaker school located in Bethesda, Maryland and Washington, D.C., offering pre-kindergarten through secondary school classes. Founded in 1883 by Thomas Sidwell, its motto is "Eluceat omnibus lux" (English: Let the light shine out from all), alluding to the Quaker concept of inner light. All Sidwell Friends students attend Quaker meeting for worship weekly, and middle school students begin every day with five minutes of silence.
Sidwell School. Global Citizenship. A quaker education
The Quaker belief that there is “that of God” in everyone shapes everything we do at Sidwell Friends.
We see it in the classroom, where teachers value the unique gifts that each student offers. We hear it in Meeting for Worship, when we listen deeply to those who feel moved to speak into the silence. We experience it in service to others, when we encounter worldviews and cultures that challenge our own.
Sidwell Friends students learn about other cultures and global interconnections across the curriculum and in all divisions of the School, from the earliest grades through graduation.
The School’s global programs are designed to build on this strong academic foundation, augmenting and complementing the curriculum with cultural activities, virtual exchanges, travel experiences, school-to-school collaborations, experiential fieldwork, and other activities that put learning and Quaker values into practice through global service. These programs prepare students for responsible global citizenship by
- fostering self-awareness, empathy, cultural understanding, and respect for difference;
- raising critical awareness of our community’s global position of power and privilege; - decentering students and challenging worldviews in which they are the focal point;
- creating an environment in which learning carries an imperative of moral action, inspiring students - to let their lives speak; and
- promoting sustainable development through programs that improve living and environmental conditions worldwide and that build long-term institutional and human relationships.
History of the Quakers
History of the Quakers
Bootham school. Senior school. Teaching subjects. Senior modern languages
THE BRITISH COUNCIL organisation. Ppolicy insight research. Research: languages future
The British Council’s recent study of ‘Languages for the Future’ highlighted that while the UK has a range of indigenous languages it is lacking in the necessary language skills for the future. The report identifies a list of ten languages which will be of crucial importance for the UK’s prosperity, security and influence in the world in the years ahead. At Bootham pupils have the opportunity to learn four or the top 5 languages listed; French, German, Mandarin and Spanish. The Office of National Statistics lists 7 of the top 10 UK trading partners as EU countries so it makes sense for us at Bootham to concentrate on French, German and Spanish in our mainstream teaching with Mandarin taught within the after school activities programme.
Bootham school
Information about Bootham School
Bootham School is an independent Quaker boarding school in the city of York in North Yorkshire, England. It accepts boys and girls ages 3–19, and had an enrolment of 605 pupils in 2016.[2]
The school was founded by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and opened on 6 January 1823 in Lawrence Street, York. Its first headmaster was William Simpson (1823-1828). He was followed by John Ford (1828-c.1865). The school is now on Bootham, near York Minster, in a building originally built in 1804 for Sir Richard Vanden Bempde Johnstone.
The school's motto Membra Sumus Corporis Magni means "We are members of a greater body", quoting Seneca the Younger (Epistle 95, 52).
2017/09/12 20 years Newark schools regain control baraka.
(...) For more than 20 years, local administrators have had little leverage over the finances or operations of the state’s largest school district. Choices about curriculum and programs were made mostly by a state-appointed superintendent, often an outsider. The city could not override personnel decisions.
Learning from Singapore. The Power of Paradoxes
Theres a new call for Americans to embrace Chinese style education why thats a huge mistake
Soong Ching Ling
sclkids.Soong Ching Ling Kindergarten is committed to continuing research and development in the pursuit of excellence.
This is the commitment we make to our parents and therefore we must ensure it is lived through the daily experiences of their children in our schools. We acknowledge that children must have opportunities to be:
- Creative thinkers,
- Communicators,
- Problem solvers and
- Collaborators.
The teaching and learning policies of our school are therefore structured around the intention to develop:
- Independence,
- Self-reliance,
- Communication skills,
- Creativity and
- Application of knowledge in multiple situations.
To ensure that these abilities are developed consistently our school is committed to 7 key principles.
- Curricular breadth and balance: all areas of work and activity have equal worth and are given appropriate amounts of time and attention.
- Consistency: teaching approaches result upon agreed principles so that all pupils' skills and understanding can develop incrementally as they get older.
- Sensitivity and respect: all teachers recognise that the personal, social and emotional needs of all children are paramount and the school has clear policies on how this understanding is interpreted in practice.
- First hand experience: all teachers work is based on the fundamental principle that real learning arises from children being actively involved in relevant tasks that are based on their own experiences of the world.
- Caring and personal: everyone involved with our school recognises the need to know well every child and his/her parents.
- Elegant: both our campuses conform to high aesthetic standards, and are furnished and decorated to reflect a child-friendly and elegant sense of visual harmony.
- High absolute expectations: we have the highest expectations of ourselves, of the children in our care and of our professional standing in the community. We expect a lot and we ensure that our declared principles are lived through the daily experiences of everyone involved.
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